
The Briner

$42.52 Amazon »

Floaters can be good - boats, pizza rafts - and floaters can be bad - poo in the pool, turkey in the brine. The Briner is a 22-quart bucket that pretty much looks like any other 22-quart bucket, except that it secures...

Big Squeeze Tube Squeezing Tool

$34.95 - $39.99 Big Squeeze »

The Big Squeeze isn't just some plastic tube pincher and goop nudger. Check out the GIF. The Big Squeeze says it delivers industrial-grade, Wile E. Coyote vs. a Train levels of tube flattening, and tube content non-wasting...

Zen Stone Floor Pillows

$39.22 - $273.73 Amazon »

Get your rocks off as you take a load off with this cushy set of optical illusions. Zen Stone Floor Pillows will add a tranquil, yet quirky kind of visual interest to any room with floor space to fill, and floor lounging...

11-Foot Teddy Bear


If you plan to buy an 11-Foot Teddy Bear as a gift for your kid, or gift for your girlfriend this season, I hope you have an 11-Foot closet...or off-site storage facility to hide him in until the big day. Better lock...

Boulon Blanc Transformable Table

$823 Boulon Blanc »

It's not Fletcher Capstan levels of cool, but the Boulon Blanc transformable table is a lot more practical, way less expensive, and still clever enough in design and execution to get my stamp of approval (i.e., I'd be...

Pelamatic Fruit & Vegetable Peeler

$249.99 Amazon »

The orange on the Pelematic Peel Pro goes 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, the orange on the Pelematic Peel Pro goes 'round and 'round, 'til aaaallll the ughbittergrossblechblechblech white stuff...


$42.99 - $89.99 Amazon »

Mmmm. Munching on some spicy coated peas from my Sir Racha ManBucket to kick off Saturday morning. To be followed immediately, or whenever my girlfriend says it's ready, by a bacon, mushroom & cheddar frittata drizzled...

Aromatic Beer Glasses

$125 Etsy »

I'm too lazy to climb mountains, but when I see one drowning in a fine Belgian Tripel I'm there like Cheetos dust on fingertips to pick it up and gulp it free...

Light Side / Dark Side Switch Plate Cover


Forget the moral conundrum, jumping between the Light Side and the Dark Side should be like flipping a switch. Luke's making pumpkin spice muffins? Click. Light's on. The Force is with me. It's pulling me out of bed and...

Kujira Whale Knives

$35.97 - $44.49 Amazon »

Did you know whales can cut the cheese too? In fact, I bet they're the sharpest and most powerful cheese cutters on earth. Check it out. You got a sperm whale ready to cut the cheese, a humpback whale ready to cut the...

Don't F*ck Up the Table Coasters

$14.99 Amazon »

No reason to mince words when it comes to protecting the 300-pound cherry wood table you just bought off Craigslist. Don't fuck up the table, Cornelius! It's a fine piece of furniture that deserves better than a surface...

The Food Kracker

$14.95 - $19.95 Food Kracker, Inc. »

The Food Kracker looks to be as gratifying in application as it is effective. Almost as good as when you buy a bag of ice that gets all hunked up together in the freezer, so when you want to use it you lift it really...

Water Bhomb Pipe


Don't let Mario or Luigi near the pipe! It'll blow them up! They might be plumbers, and this pipe might be called a Water Bhomb, but my experience with the situation goes all the way back to 1989. My mama's basement...

Science Lab Oil & Vinegar Bottles

$11.99 - $19.99 Amazon »

Most foodies are savvy enough to know how to achieve the perfect balance of oil and vinegar in their salad dressings, space-conscious enough to be perpetually on the lookout for ways to consolidate containers on their...

Sleep Yoga Posture Pillows

$54.90 - $74.24 Amazon »

To me, yoga at its finest means Savasana. Corpse pose. Lie there in a hot room on a cold day and think of nothing but your deep inhale [belly rise] and deep exhale [belly fall]. With maybe a thought or two spared for...

FOODsniffer Food Freshness Tester

$129.99 FOODsniffer »

You don't need a trained bloodhound or a night of explosive diarrhea and vomiting out the nose to figure out if your food's gone bad anymore. FOODsniffer is a portable "eNose" that will test your meat, poultry, and fish...

Stormtrooper Whiskey Decanter & Shot Glass

$14.61 - $26.79 The Fowndry »

A stormtrooper who's packing nothing but Jameson and a Buttery Nipple is my kind of stormtrooper. I bet in whiskey decanter and suspended glass forms they're even a decent shot. At least until round 7 or 8 when your own...

Bellini Kitchen Master 8-in-1 Appliance

Sold Out Amazon »

If you've watched the first few episodes of Westworld, you know where we're headed. Machines that will help us escape from our lives. Allow us to visit faraway places and times--real, not virtual--without an airplane...

BAAM! Drain Blaster Cleaner

Sold Out Amazon »

No, this is not the kind of BAAM! that spices up your sink drain or toilet bowl. On the contrary, it's the kind of BAAM! you call in when you've already spiced up your sink drain or toilet bowl and need help, uh, unspicing...

Polygon - 4-in-1 Origami Measuring Spoons

$12 Polygons »

A flat spoon. Isn't that about as useful as a holey bucket? Or decaf? Under normal circumstances, indeed, but under the origami folds of Polygons, spoons that lay smooth and straight as a nun's ruler aren't just useful...

Sansaire Sous Vide Immersion Circulator

Sold Out Amazon »

A sous vide machine is one of my best gift picks for anyone you know who likes to cook, and especially for anyone you know who likes to cook for you. Traditionally giant, cumbersome, and expensive temperature-controlled...

Magnetic Soap Holder

Sold Out Amazon »

Now this looks like some soap beamed straight down from Captain Kirk's bathroom on the Starship Enterprise. It's hovering there in midair because the pyramid base of the holder has telekinetic powers. And also a couple...

Paint2iT Pro Anti-Gravity Paint Tray

Sold Out Amazon »

What, you don't like splatter painting your carpet purple--sorry, eggplant--too when your girlfriend convinces you it's a "gender neutral" color perfect for your living room walls? Or spilling the whole tray of paint...

DeLonghi Mica Panel Heater

$95.95 Amazon »

My girlfriend wants to install this Mica Panel Heater next to her face on the bedroom wall. I've never known a girl who's so cold all the time. Except my ex-girlfriend, Karen. But I always thought that was because the...