
FoodPod Boil Bag & Strainer

Sold Out Amazon »

The FoodPod looks like an adorable, fat-jowled alien. See--the horizontal strip cutout is his eyes, the first bump below that his nose, the 2 oval cutouts below that his pair of mouths, and the big rounded sides of the...

Nonstick Splatter Guard

$9.94 Amazon »

I think little flecks of grease, meat particulates, and cake batter splattered all over the walls and cabinets add to the shabby chic aesthetic of my kitchen. Why be so sterile and hoity-toity? I want to welcome everyone...

Spiked Sprinkler Head Hide-A-Key

Sold Out Amazon »

Not that a good ol' rock doesn't still work just as well, but this sprinkler head version of the hide-a-key expands the options for people who have more grass than stone cover in their yard. The lockout preventer has...

Neti Pot Sinus Cleaner

$13.85 Amazon »

The first time someone told me about Neti Pots I thought they sounded like some new age hippie yoga naturopath weirdness. And also kind of gross. Seeing a Neti Pot in person only solidified this belief. Then I tried one...

Flying Saucer Rocking Chair

This is a UFO. An Unidentified Furniture Object that Italian design firm It One Off created in a nod to little green men, living room acrobatics, and a nifty construction technique called "one ground point" they say the...

Paper Animal Head Trophy Kits

$10 - $75 Resident »

Rather than designer animal kills from sub-Saharan Africa, Tristan Sopp is into killer animal designs from his own head. The 10 exotic head trophies Sopp has conceived and developed for his Resident Design Co. shop are...

Ambi Climate Smart AC Control

$129 Amazon »

Ambi Climate is kind of like the Nest thermostat, but pinpointed to your air conditioning unit. The smart hub connects via WiFi to any remote-controlled AC, tapping into its infrared signal to "talk" to the device. From...

Fin to Flower Aquaponics System

Sold Out Amazon »

If you're interested in growing an indoor herb garden--think rosemary, not mary jane--but entirely uninterested in nurturing, or even watering it, check out the natural wonder that is aquaponics. And then check out Fin...

Rustic Patio Bar & Cooler


Two coolers, folding prep surface, wine rack and drawer storage, rustic wood design--this patio bar gets my gold star of approval. Which it obviously already knows, given that it's gone ahead and affixed one to itself...

The Atomic Grinder


You know why they made the Atomic Grinder. So you can tell everyone your herbs are the bomb. Modeled after the Mark VI nuclear bomb, this dry goods pulverizer is made of zinc alloy, and comes in your choice of shiny gold...

Fasta Pasta Microwave Pasta Cooker

$17.95 Amazon »

For those who claim to be so lousy in the kitchen you can't even boil water, the Fasta Pasta is for you. For those who don't have much of a kitchen in you studio, basement, or dorm room, the Fasta Pasta is also for you...

The EarPopper


As much as it pains me to see any child under the age of 18 board the plane I'm on, I do feel bad for the ones who scream the whole 4-hour flight because they can't clear their ears and feel like their brains are going...

Stovetop Korean BBQ Grill Pan

$36.99 Amazon »

If you haven't had or don't know what Korean BBQ is, click here for a thousand words. And here for a thousand more. Typically, a Korean BBQ is a tabletop-sized gas or charcoal grill that diners use to cook their favorite...

Luxury Bamboo Bathtub Caddy

$38 Amazon »

If you're still scrounging around for a Mother's Day gift, here's a bamboo bathtub caddy that will send your mama into a swell of luxury. Luxurious soak, luxurious smooth wood aesthetic, luxurious trashy novel on the...

Zerobody Anti-Gravity Bed

The Zerobody is a sensory deprivation float tank that removes the one major P in the A side effect of floating: getting wet. (True, drowning is kind of a pain too, but most of these tanks have only about a foot of water...

5-Piece Wine Bottle Tool Kit


This is a set of 5 wine tools packaged all neat 'n' cute inside a wine bottle-shaped box. Also known as: how I do Mother's Day in 4 clicks or less...

Jerry Can Bar Cabinet

$835 AHA »

Some call it the can that won WWII. Even though the Germans created the Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister, American and British forces quickly copied the design and used it for the efficient storage and safe transport of fuel...

Windi the Gaspasser Gas & Colic Reliever

$12.74 Amazon »

Windi the Gaspasser is one of those WTF products I as a childless dude saw and immediately thought was, in this order: a funny joke; a disgusting not-joke; a sad reality. You basically stick this little (un)plug in your...

Hitecera Bullet Peeler & Knife


This bullet fires into your favorite fruits and vegetables, doubling as a peeler and paring knife on its two ends. According to maker Hitecera, the easy-carry, fully-sheathed tool is rust-proof and impervious to acids...

CoeLux Artificial Skylights

If it looks like a skylight and emanates like sunlight and makes you feel like you're on a snow white beach in the Mediterranean when you close your eyes, but you know in your heart it's all an illusion of technological...

Touchless Toilet Flush Kit

$64.59 Amazon »

I'm not a germophobe, but I am incredibly lazy. And a kit that retrofits my standard toilet with a touchless, auto-flush mechanism means no more bending over! No more holding the handle down! No more jiggling it to make...

Collar Perfect Travel Iron

Sold Out Amazon »

I had to fly to Austin at 5 in the morning today and I saw a guy in the airport using this thing and I wondered why the Hugo Boss some dude was stapling his collar at the table I wanted to eat my bagel at. And he was...

Noria Window Air Conditioner

$599 Noria »

Granted, when it's hotter than a dragon's undercarriage out and I'm tasked with sleeping through the night, I don't really care if the air-circulating device that makes that possible looks like Jabba the Hutt's butt crack...

Starbust Dabuccino Water Pipe


Life is all about balance. Caramel Cocoa Cluster Frappuccino to get you high on caffeine and sugar. Nugget of Girl Scout Cookies to, well, also get you high, but counter the drink's effects with a cannabis hybrid MJ enthusiast...