
Nebia Atomized Water Showerhead

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Nebia trademarked what they call H2MICRO technology. They say it takes the best parts of a shower and a steam room and sprays it out of overhead and portable wand nozzles in a way that will make you feel like you're in...

First Alert 2-Story Escape Ladder

$68.48 Amazon »

If you don't live in a high-rise building, and you're not Tom Cruise jonesing for stunt work at 53, you don't need to spend the money on a rescue parachute or rappelling system to be prepared

Skybar Wine Chill Drops

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I'm not that into wine, but my girlfriend, She-Ra: Princess of Power, is. And since these Wine Chill Drops look kind of like tobacco pipes, I think I could use them to regale her with my Albert Einstein and Frosty the...

FreezerBoy - Game Boy Refrigerator Magnets

Sold Out Amazon »

Here's a slightly more economical approach to "skinning" your fridge in LEGO bricks or a lady licking the shaft of a banana. It's simpler to install and, I think many would argue, just as inspiring too. FreezerBoy is...

Adjustable Speed 19,000 RPM Milk Frother


Last weekend I was admiring a shiny new Ducati 1299 Panigale parked outside the ice cream store when my girlfriend started spouting off motorcycle-related wreck and fatality statistics and asked me why I would even want...

Rabbit Chrome Chilling Stones

$18.99 Amazon »

Hmmm. These aren't the Rabbits I've heard of. The Rabbits I've heard of do not insert into glasses, and in fact deal in the complete opposite of making things cold. I guess Rabbits are multi-faceted...

The Red Herring Secret Safe

If the number of Air Vent Safes you have installed in your house is starting to look a little fishy, balance out the trickery and keep your valuables just as secure locked inside Console Vault's Red Herring Wall Safe...

Philips Digital AirFryer

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Philips has its own oil-less air fryer similar to the Big Boss model I previously pointed out will make you less likely to get fat and have a heart attack. Actually, Philips has two AirFryers: a simple version with manual...

iBed Tablet Stand

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iBed, a hands-free up-high and down-low tablet stand, notes that "When lying down for a long period of time, you not only risk dropping your tablet device, but you also suffer from pain in your arms and neck and back."...

GearWrench Gimbal Ratchet


GearWrench is all about ratcheting innovation. And given the company's success since the release of its original 5-degree ratcheting wrench in 1996, I think we have just proven that in today's world, being "all about"...

Book & Hero Bookend

$21.90 Amazon »

I wish this super dude was here to save me from having to read the books, but it looks like his job is just to keep them from falling over. Equally heroic, I guess. I don't need another 10-pound tome whacking me in the...

EZSTAX Interlocking Dividers Organizer

$42.99 Amazon »

Seems like it's always easier to make a mess than it is to clean it up. And while there are plenty of items out there to prevent the former - bibs, sippy cups, condoms - and help with the latter - vacuums, washing machines...

WohnGeist Tool Set

$3,100 The Conran Shop »

These here are some fiiine tools. At least I hope they are because German manufacturer WohnGeist's 24-piece set and case cost upwards of $3 grand. Making them one of those stunning collections of highly functional and...

Visible Cutaway Handcuff

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This visible cutaway handcuff is similar to the cutaway practice padlock, but instead of using a transparent interface to teach you how to pick a padlock, it uses a transparent interface to teach you how to pick a pair...

Fluttua Floating Bed

$5,796 YLiving »

Is it magnets? Sound waves? Propellors on the underside that make Lago Studio's Fluttua Bed float? Nah. Just a hidden stanchion extending from the frame to the floor, plus a top-end connection to the wall, and some carefully...

120" Portable Outdoor Movie Screen

$187.99 Amazon »

If you prefer the real thing over the blow-up version, here's an outdoor movie screen that's just as portable as an inflatable model, but made of a 16:9 Oxford nylon screen. Project 120 inches worth of movies indoors...

Portable Air Conditioner with Remote Control

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It's so hot right now I'd be more than happy to drag Honeywell's portable AC unit around like an oxygen tank. The 10,000 BTU air conditioner has the capacity to cool 350 to 400 square feet of space, just about the size...

Gel'O Cool Pillow Mat


I like sleeping under the covers. Always. No matter the conditions I need at least a sheet serving as a barrier between the Sandman and my bare ass. The problem with this is that I always wake up with wet hair and a sweat-soaked...

Stinger Indoor Insect Trap


The bugs have arrived. Rats. And since bugs (or rats) are not the types of animals I advocate co-existing with, this is my advice to those of you with homes overrun with flies, mosquitos, gnats, and no-see-ums: zap the...

Samsung Curved 105-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV

Sold Out Amazon »

105 inches. 4K picture quality. 990 5-star reviews. And a mere 119,999 dollars. And 99 cents. I think Amazon buyer Andrew Kauffman put it best when he said, "When I set out to purchase a TV I swore to myself that wouldn't...

EverBlock Life-Size Building Blocks

$3.95 - $7.25 EverBlock »

Possibilities for building with the LEGO-like EverBlock line of life-size, completely modular and snap-together tiles stretch as high as you can stack the blocks. While standing on your tiptoes a ladder a roof the top...

Cutaway Practice Padlock & Lock Pick Set


You can pick your nose, but you can't pick your lock. At least not until you've had proper training from Ehdching's cutaway practice padlock and lock pick set. This complete DIY package includes a transparent cutaway...

KRUPS Egg Cooker

$54 Amazon »

Nothing sucks more than spending 15 precious minutes hardboiling an egg only to crack it open and find a puckered rubbery white and grisly-green-sheathed yolk. It's not that it's hard to make a perfectly cooked egg. It's...

Homemade Butter Mini Churn

$16.99 Amazon »

Back to the roots, farm to table, quality ingredients, knowing what you're shoving down your piehole. What was the norm for our grandparents, and the waste of time what with this microwave and these golden arches around...