
Moon Chaise Lounge

Huh. The Moon chaise lounge kind of looks like another swell piece of furniture, the Liberator Wedge. But not enough that you couldn't set it out on display in your living room and use it as, like, an actual chair or...

Tesla Powerwall Home Battery

$3k - $3,500 Tesla Motors »

Basically if I could be anyone else on earth, living or dead*, I would be Elon Musk of Tesla Motors (and SpaceX). He's incredibly rich, he's had 2 hot wives (#1, #2), he's an undeniable genius, and...and!...he's not even...

H2OVibe Showerhead with Bluetooth Speaker


Sure you can suction cup a waterproof Bluetooth speaker to your tile...and hope that it doesn't dislodge and whack you right in that tender spot on the downslope of your foot at the height of "Raining Blood." Or you can...

Rotating Pie Chart Coffee Table

$1,600 Polit »

A table that looks like a pie chart isn't as good as a table that looks like a pie, but at least with Goncalo Campos' 4 Times coffee table I can hide my mama's O magazines and rosehip & baby's butt pot pourri when my...

Lime Bomber

Sold Out Amazon »

Whether you're averse to germs, juice squirts in the eye and beer sprays on the shirt, or just putting forth a modicum more of effort than is necessary, the Lime Bomber will free your fingers of the habitual summertime...

Hydro-Turf Engine Oil Extractor

$119.99 Amazon »

Getting ready for summer means getting ready to haul out your boat. Your jet ski. Your ATV. Your Ducati. Your pimp-mo-convertible. And your Hydro-Turf Oil Extractor to change their oil. While the company's contraption...

Where's Walter? Breaking Bad Print


Nearly 2 years after we thought Walter White sang his swan song, Argentinian illustrator Max Dalton has found him alive and well. Just strolling down the streets of Albuquerque hidden in plain sight. So where's Walter?...

Size Matters Cake Plate

$32.99 Perpetual Kid »

Now you can have your cake and...measure it with a protractor too. This Size Matters plate is perfect for parents looking both to stick it to siblings warring over whose piece of devil's food is bigger, and make the kids...

Silencing Slider - Cheeseburger Ball Gag

$99.99 Etsy »

I'll have a quarter pounder with...please. Yes, please, Master, bite me! Bite me hard and put the marks of your ownership on my flesh while I, your slave, receive my punishment in complete submission. Silently mowing...

Boomerang Wok

Sold Out Amazon »

Ooh, it's a wok that doesn't make you play 52 Pickup with all the stuff you put in it. The Boomerang Wok features a "unique patented cupped edge" that enables Iron Chef-speed ingredient flipping and agitating with the...

LUNALUXX Levitating-Disc-Activated Lamp

$130 Elivatix »

What you can see very clearly is that the LUNALUXX is a lamp with a levitating disc. And if you understand the laws of physics, or have been following man's continued attempts to develop Hoverboard technology, you can...

Kitchen Apron with Built-in Oven Gloves

Sold Out Amazon »

The Mitten Apron guarantees you'll never need to wonder where you left that oven glove, or risk finding out if the casserole dish is really still too hot to touch without one, again. Built-in hotness handlers make it...

Ice Core Beer Pitcher

$23.95 Amazon »

An Ice. Cold. Pitcher of Beer. That you don't have to chug to keep ice cold for more than a few minutes. KegWorks has designed their group-size suds container to maintain your 60 ounces of brew ideally icy for hours...

Lockpick School in a Box


Obviously it's necessary to pick a lock only when you are a locksmith or have been kidnapped and held hostage in a locked room. Or, I guess, when you need to break into your ex-girlfriend's (aka Heart of Blackness) apartment...

Queensland Ironbark Drink Coasters

Grab your Foster's, Australian for "beer", and set it down on one of these branches of Queensland Ironbark, Australian for "coaster". The set of 6 drink platforms is handcrafted from the swirling colors and rich textures...

Exhale Bladeless Ceiling Fan

$500 - $600 Exhale Fans »

Not that Dyson hasn't proven that fans don't need to look like a duck and walk like a duck to be a duck, but the Exhale bladeless fan is still the strangest looking thing I've ever seen mounted to a ceiling. I don't even...

Air Vent Hidden Safe with RFID Lock

Sold Out Amazon »

Tough tamales if you're looking for air circulation this summer, but here at least your cash, Glock, and Chewbacca bandolier signed by all passengers of the Millennium Falcon will be hidden away and protected. It's Quick...

Shark Cocktail Shaker

You better have giant hands, a solid grip, and no fear to mix up a margarita in this savage of the sea. Not only is the Shark Cocktail Shaker fashioned in the whole-body likeness of a behemoth great white, but it also...

Wood Bathymetric Charts

$138 - $298 Amazon »

Your favorite body of water, naked. This is a very seductive series of maps. The bathymetric charts, subsurface equivalents to topographic charts, are maps laser-cut into sheets of Baltic birch and hand-colored to depict...

Audio Jammer with White Noise Generator


I'm not a spy and I'm not up to no good. Relatively speaking. But what I am is a man who values his privacy. A man who doesn't need his mama bugging his room with some sensor system she bought off QVC to listen to him...

Iron Man 2 Swinging Sticks Kinetic Energy Sculpture

$339 Amazon »

Even Tony Stark can't concentrate on anything else in the presence of the mesmerizing Swinging Sticks Kinetic Energy Sculpture. Not that Pepper's that interesting anyway. I'd probably be distracted by steam rising off...

Geochron World Map & 24-Hour Clock

$2,495 - $4,295 Geochron »

The Geochron is one of the coolest maps I ever saw. Not only is it all big and backlit, but the map itself is a conveyor belt driven left to right in sync with the earth's rotation. So at any given time the Geochron and...

Old Leather Balls Coat Rack

$235 fitzsu »

Ma'am, you're doing a mighty fine job of cupping those old leather...uh...antique boxing glove-inspired coat rack components. Sportify your front entry, home gym, or mancave with this nod to the Ali days of boxing. The...

Occam Coffee-to-Dining Table

I like that Occam guy. He invented the razor. Not the kind you shave with, the kind Matthew McConaughey used to convince Jodie Foster that she didn't jettison light years away in a space capsule to commune with aliens...