Custom Stuffed Pet Replicas

Um. Aside from the fact that that cat's sitting politely and perfectly still on a human hand, I can't even tell it's a custom stuffed pet replica, and not just a, like, pet.
A few years ago, we saw Cuddle Clones and their hyper-realistic take on stuffed versions of your dog, cat, or other furry / feathered friend. And they're real good. But I gotta say, I think these custom stuffed pet replicas, available as either just your buddy's head, or as a full body, are even better. Handmade by Qinghua, and sold through her Etsy shop, Brightliftin, these doggos and kitties (and tweety birds!) all look to be dead ringers of their living counterparts.
Or, as it were, dead ringers of their dead counterparts. One of the most popular reasons to buy one of Qinghua's replicas is as a memorial to a pet that has passed.
But enough of that sad talk! I say stuffed pet replicas are even better gifts for pet lovers when Jaxon and Bubbles are still alive. The 3.5" head-only plush would make a great Christmas tree ornament, or rearview mirror charm. And the full-size pet replicas are themselves only about 6.5" tall, so easily displayed on a shelf, bookcase, or front-and-center on a made-up bed.