NFL Football Field Cat Scratcher Toy

He pulls back...he's going long...he swipes...he claws...he scoooooores! The NFL Football Field Cat Scratcher Toy gives your feline friends something to do while you're watching the game this fall, and then you something to watch while the game's on commercial break. That is, the cat going bananas scratching the felt football field, batting around the catnip-filled plush football on a stick, and smacking the included jingling bell that rolls across the yard lines.
The football fields are also branded with NFL team names and logos (albeit not replicas of their stadiums, which would have been cooler) and while I didn't count or do any sort of fact checking, as per usual, they appear to all be there. So you should be able to find your favorite, and follow maker Pets First's advice: "ADD TO CART NOW!"
The football field portion of the cat toy is reversible, with a more traditional corrugated cat scratcher opposite the felt. The catnip football is refillable, and the wand it hangs from is detachable from the field, so you can use it as a separate stick toy if you want to take a more active role in playing with / antagonizing your cat.
The NFL Football Field Cat Scratcher Toy is a great gift for pet lovers and football fans alike. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.