Wooly Snuffle Foraging & Feeding Mat for Dogs
No, it's not a scalped Fraggle, it's the Wooly Snuffle Mat. Here to facilitate one and restrain another of your dog's instilled canine instincts with its shag-rug-on-acid pile.
The feeding mat first ignites a pooch's natural foraging skills. When you place bits of kibble in its deep pasture of soft-woven threads, you'll put your dog's nose and brain on the hunt for food amidst the grass and fields. According to Wooly Snuffle Mat makers, "Engaging your dog in this natural scent-driven scavenger hunt during mealtime makes them happier, healthier, and enriches their day!"
I'd say it also addresses another important doggo instinct, this time putting the kibosh on it: food scarfing. Since dry food or treats are dropped individually between the mat's fibers, your dog won't be able to tear into it like he hasn't eaten since Sunny and Bo were in the White House. At least not in one or two big, swallowless gulps, as he might when he sees his whole portion dumped nice and easy and fully exposed for him into his bowl.
Wooly Snuffle Mats are handmade of upcycled materials, and are machine washable. The foraging rugs are suitable for dogs of all sizes. Not sure about dogs of all intelligences.
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