Invisible Bike
- Transparent Toaster - $99.99
- Skeleton Watch - $20.50
- Transparent Chair - $474.01
- Bicycle Clear Playing Cards - $15.99
- Spy Net: Secret Message Invisible Ink Pen - $15.99
I wonder which is less comfortable: Jimmy Kuehnle's Invisible Bike or Jimmy Kuehnle's invisible outfit. In other words, would you rather require rectal surgery or pass out from heat exhaustion and develop a full-body rash? Kuehnle designed and built his "Bike? What bike? I don't see any bike" bike out of bullet proof glass, presumably so that it can survive a drive-by even if its rider doesn't. Save its chain and bearings, the entire town-tool-arounder is transparent. Kuehnle both employs the biped as a legitimate means of transportation, and displays it as a sculpture in and around Austin and San Antonio.
Oh, you're more interested in replicating Kuehnle's sweet see-through suit? Then grab yourself a few dozen yards of clear vinyl and stitch away. Cap the look with a "beer hat" made from 60 feet of clear tubing.
My favorite part of the Invisible Bike's entrance into my reality is the shot of Jimmy posing with it in front a pair of dumpsters. Hey, I respect art in all forms, but if you're going to make a funny-looking transparent bicycle and an even funnier-looking transparent getup to wear while riding it, maybe standing in front of a trash receptacle with the two, as if proudly showcasing the gems you just dug out of it, isn't the best photo op.
Muchas danke to Geekologie, whose writeup of the Invisible Bike was also witty enough to make me choke on my ice cream sandwich.