
Bioluminescent Firefly Petunias

$29 »

Step into the luminescent future of horticulture with Light Bio's Glowing Plants, where the beauty of botany meets the brilliance of biotechnology. Imagine your garden illuminated by the gentle, ethereal glow of Firefly...

Flying Hawk Kite Bird Deterrent

$37.99 Amazon »

Birds are suckaz if they're deterred by this Flying Hawk Kite. I can tell it's fake with hardly a glance, and my understanding is that birds are at least as smart as I am. Don't you know that's where the term "bird brain"...

GardenGlide Garden Tote & Transporter

$109.98 Amazon »

Yes, your kid...or your friend definitely going to want to be your first haul on the GardenGlide Garden Tote & Transporter. Your Mini Me may want to sit inside the included 20-gallon red TubTrug, but Cornelius...

OtO Smart Automatic Lawn & Garden Sprinkler

$339 OtO Lawn »

OtO is an above-ground smart automatic lawn and garden irrigation system. Which is to say, a high-tech, low-effort, fancy-pants sprinkler you control with your phone...

Mid-Century Wood Shop Birdhouses

$245 - $1,699 Etsy »

Sorry, birds, I know any one of these mid-century modern birdhouses from Mid-Century Wood Shop would be your dream home, but I myself live in a condo because I can't afford a house. So unless you start contributing, round...

Lawn Aerator Shoes

$22.90 - $24.90 Amazon »

My mama says she's going to get me a pair of Lawn Aerator Shoes, because when I start stomping around her house all teed off she's asking me to do even more yard work, I may as well be improving the health of her lawn...

Vented Garden Grow Frame Miniature Greenhouse

$64.98 Garrett Wade »

Give your outdoor plants a better chance of surviving a temperamental spring, or a gardener who doesn't really know what they're doing, with this Vented Garden Grow Frame, a sort of miniature greenhouse for fledgling...

The ANT Tarp Dragging Yard Tool

$59.99 Amazon »

I've always considered myself a bit of a draft horse - able to move some weight, haul a load, but with no real style or elegance...or coordination behind it. I plow through the job, but it's not pretty...

HotWave Heated Hose Nozzle Sprayer

$151.92 Amazon »

All your dirty cars, dirty pavers, dirty patio furniture, dirty camping dishes, dirty dogs, and maybe even your dirty selves are gonna love the HotWave, a heated hose nozzle sprayer that provides on-demand hot water...

NETVUE Birdfy Lite Smart Bird Feeder with Camera

$144.49 Amazon »

Who needs a NETVUE Birdfy Lite smart bird feeder fitted with a camera and camera-recharging solar panels when you have a property like the one in the photo to look out over? Huge grassy yard, lush landscaping, situated...

Collapsible Canvas Wheelbarrow

Sold Out Amazon »

Most wheelbarrows tend to be a bit...unwheeldy, if you will...but this collapsible canvas wheelbarrow from Creative Outdoor Distributor looks like a storage and maneuverability gem. Not to mention an excellent representative...

Garden Tool Handle Knee Pads

$14.99 Amazon »

Knee pads that slip over the handles of your garden tools, now that is a kneet idea! Resourceful too. But...comfortable? I'm not so sure...

HummViewer Wearable Hummingbird Feeder

$69.95 HummViewer »

The HummViewer is a wearable hummingbird feeder that essentially inserts a pair of hummingbird feeder straws into COVID face shield, and tops it with a redesigned Devo hat. It looks absolutely ridiculous. But...

Claw Hose Holders

$229 Garden Glory »

Claw your way into Fall - and spooky season - with a Claw Hose Holder in black, silver, or gold. I never thought much of hose racks prior to seeing the falcon talons on these designs from Garden Glory. And given how much...

Gardena Leaf & Lawn Collector

$119.91 Amazon »

The leaves may not be falling yet, but look at them up there. All green and wispy, shaking their golden ratioed little asses in the wind. They're just biding their time. Waiting for a few brisk nights. A random September...

Sun Joe Electric Hover Mower

Sold Out Amazon »

Ooh, get part lawnmower, part Back to the Future with Sun Joe's Electric Hover Mower. The plug-in grass barber's 10-amp motor spins at up to 7,000 RPM, creating a cushion of air, and its namesake hover effect. Look, Ma!...

Seeding Square - Square Foot Gardening Template

$29.95 Amazon »

Not much of a green thumb? Well then, use this Seeding Square gardening template and make sure all the little plants you grow...die perfectly positioned within its square foot grid. Wamp, wamp. The Seeding Square will...

NoCry Home & Gardening Knee Pads

$12.99 - $13.99 Amazon »

No woman, NoCry. No dude, no dad, and no mama NoCry either, if you give them a pair of these home and gardening knee pads. The maintenance, construction, and yard work companions pad and protect your ache-prone knee joints...

Mouse Melon Seeds

$3.29 Etsy »

Looks like a watermelon, tastes like a cucumber, pops like a grape. Mouse Melons are itty bitty relatives of the cucumber that look, delightfully, like watermelons sized for your action figures. Or, perhaps in a less...

RotoShovel - Handheld Automatic Shovel

$149.99 - $189.99 Amazon »

"With RotoShovel, you can drill it, dig it, scoop it, or plant it!" Ugh, battery-operated automatic shovel making it easier or not, none of those activities sound fun to me. But, alas, I have a mama, and my mama has demands...

FireGlobe Fire Pit

$896.84 Amazon »

Eva Solo can help you be anything but, cozying up at their FireGlobe fire pit with your favorite lady or dude. Or, maybe even better, a furry friend who likes to cuddle...

The Soil Key - 3-in-1 Trowel, Saw & Hatchet Tool

$100 Etsy »

I wouldn't call the Soil Key a 3-in-1 Trowel, Saw & Hatchet Tool. I'd call it a 4-in-1 Trowel, Saw, Hatchet & Deadpool Symbol Tool. The Deadpool part being the primary reason I'd want to own the Soil Key, since I'm not...

Outer Fire Pit Table

$4,450 Outer »

The Outer Fire Pit Table is an all-in-one backyard table, fireplace, and interactive BBQ. Use its griddle pans and stands to grill & chill on the patio throughout the year, or just cozy up alongside the open flame dancing...

Polar Bear Garden Bench

Sold Out Amazon »

Hot off the Polar Bear Express, and ready to seat you...or eat you, depending on how well they fed him on the train...say hello to the Polar Bear Garden Bench from Design Toscano. Sculptural, functional, and ready to...