Bloody Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With mixers, wells, and last call bells, and glass snifters all in a row.
If you like the herbalicious in your cocktails--Mojitos, Rosemary Gimlets, Cucumber-Cilantro Margaritas--or just generally enjoy the sights and scents of blooms and greens, check out this reclaimed wood Plant-A-Bar. The pictured outdoor entertaining depot runs 8' end-to-end and has just of 39" of depth for both plantings and a fold-out bar shelf that holds drinks and eats, plus accommodates 3 to 4 stools (not included).
The Plant-A-Bar consists of butcher-block cedar sides and rustproof aluminum corners and trim. It has a 9-3/4" planting depth and 329-quart potting mix capacity, suitable for growing herbs and some vegetables (e.g., tomatoes) for drink incorporation, as well as purdy flowers for aesthetics.