Barbecue Skillet

The Barbecue Skillet is a skillet for the grill. A grilling skillet . A skill-grill. A grill-et! And, above all, a great solution for the pitmaster who 'cues up stir-fries, delicate stick- and crumble-prone seafood, and cut vegetables always ready to fall into the grated abyss, or make your flipping and transferring life miserable, even if you've skewered them.
The 12" Barbecue Skillet is non-stick and dishwasher-safe. It comes with a 10" removable handle you can unlatch during grilling, and then pop back on to transfer the skillet when it's time to eat. A great gift for Dad this Father's Day. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.