Flexible Grilling Skewers

Posted: May 14, 2013
Flexible Grilling Skewers
Check It Out

We can't all be lucky enough to find a girl who can do backbends and pretzel her legs behind her head, but thanks to Fire Wire's flexible grilling skewers, we can all enjoy and indulge in this display of talent from our kabobs. The cable-style stainless steel cords both string up more than twice the quantity of meats and veggies as standard skewers, and contort in all directions across BBQ surfaces to maximize the use of space. Drape the ends of the flex skewers over grill edges and they'll stay cool during cooking for easy flipping and removal.

Flexible grilling skewers also ease the task of marinating, allowing for threading pre-liquid-immersion and coiling compactly in a plastic bag or bowl, and eliminating the need to handle grill candidates twice.

Fire Wire skewers won't rust and are dishwasher safe.

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