GRILLBLAZER GrillGun Grill Torch & Lighter

Posted: August 20, 2022
GRILLBLAZER GrillGun Grill Torch & Lighter
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Blaze a trail of flame-grilled burgers with GRILLBLAZER's GrillGun, a torch and lighter for charcoal grills, chimney starters, backyard fireplaces, and even campfires. The GrillGun is portable and, according to GRILLBLAZER, easy to use, shooting a jet of fully consumed propane gas that lights its target in seconds. Also according to GRILLBLAZER, "all this while looking awesome."

The GrillGun packs too much fire for the kitchen, and is intended for outdoor use only. Use it to light charcoal or wood, to help warm up your preheating grill, or burn off residual grease / dirt / grime left on the grates after you're done. If you're feeling fire frisky, you can also use the GrillGun to sear meat directly over the grill. To the blast of 400,000 BTUs.

GRILLBLAZER notes the GrillGun's burning of fully consumed propane gas, aka pure fire, makes it safer and healthier than lighter fluid, because it ejects no hydrocarbon contamination from petrochemicals onto your charcoal.

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