Lodge Seasoned Steel Grill Pan
The one thing that sucks about meat and veggie kebabs is...kebabbing the meat and veggies. They're a B to thread, a B to keep on the skewers, a B to flip, and then a B to get back off after the heat congeals the chicken and beef protein to the rod. What I would like way, way better than some kebabs is a fat plate of UNkebabs. All the flavor and lightly crusted grill marks, none of the stupid sticks.
Lodge's Seasoned Steel Grill Pan is how I'm gonna make my UNkebabs happen. The pan bottom's cross-crossing hash openings and 12-gauge carbon steel construction deliver hot, even heat to your array of cubed delicacies without letting them fall between the grill grates into a BBQ black hole. The pan even leaves its mark on food surfaces.
Lodge pre-seasons their pans for immediate ease of use. This one measures 13" x 12".
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