MEATER Plus 165' Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer

Posted: July 31, 2020
MEATER Plus 165' Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer
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I've always known I can beat my meat, but with the MEATER Plus wireless meat thermometer, I'm learning I can also outsmart it. The smart temperature taker and monitor is a smart cooking assistant you can use indoors or out, wirelessly, and at a super long 165' range.

MEATER'S motto is "One probe. Two sensors. Zero aliens." Just kidding. About the aliens. The stainless steel and ceramic MEATER Plus looks more or less like a typical stick meat thermometer to keep insertion simple, but it advances the process once in place with an internal sensor near the tip (212 degrees F max reading), and another K-type thermocouple in the handle, the latter of which measures the ambient temperature close to the food (527 degrees F max reading). Using these 2 numbers, the thermometer can estimate the time it will take to cook your food, and make adjustments along the way. All of the information is fed to the MEATER app on your phone, along with alerts and notifications you set up when you start the cooking process.

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