Q-Swiper BBQ Grill Cleaner

For every delicious thing that comes hot off the grill, there is a not-so-delicious thing that stays hot on the grill. Blackened, crusty, and caked to the grates. And that's the Q-Swiper BBQ Grill Cleaner's favorite part. There's always someone in the group who likes the burnt parts.
The Q-Swiper uses a moist but tough, abrasive but safe set of tools to absorb grease from grill surfaces and remove encrusted food particles. The grill cleaning wipes fold over the face of the cleaner and use omni-directional 3D cleaning nodules and food-safe, natural ingredients to suck up remnant grease and juices from the grates. They're disposable and ideal for use prior to cooking.
Once your food is all grilled up you can then go after the grates with the stainless steel scraper at the end of the Q-Swiper to knock off any burnt-on bits.
The Q-Swiper BBQ Grill Cleaner is safe for use on all types of grill surfaces, including stainless steel, porcelain-coated, and cast iron.
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