RMP MOwok Collapsible Cooking Grill

Posted: May 12, 2023
RMP MOwok Collapsible Cooking Grill
Check It Out

Need MOwok in your life? Check out this collapsible propane cooking grill / griddle from RMP. The powder-coated steel base - with bitchin' flame cutouts - supports an 18" steel disc with stainless steel handles RMP designed after farmers who would reuse their old plow discs for cooking surfaces. Waste not, want not, right, dudes? The disc's wide, flat surface lends itself well to cooking entire meals, including eggs, pancakes, hash browns, and other foods that wouldn't fare as great with grill grates.

The MOwok base is also notched at 10", 12", 14", and 18", so you can swap out the wok for MO, including your existing pots, pans, and cast iron skillets. RMO's slim line MOwok design allows for complete disassembly and easy packing, so you can take the grill with you car camping, fishing, tailgating, or road tripping in the RV.

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