Smoke Puck Meat Infusers

- Nordic Ware Indoor/Outdoor Kettle Smoker - $54.68
- Uniflame Firehouse with Chimney - $117.41
- Stovetop Smoker - $49.95
- Grillaholics Smoker Box - $21.95
- Royal Gourmet Charcoal Grill with Offset Smoker, 30'' L - $129.99
They say these smoke pucks pack punch. Right in your meat's kisser! Smaller than a wood or pellet smoker, or even a wood / pellet smoker box that sits under your grill lid, the Steven Raichlen Best of Barbecue Stainless Smoke Pucks are designed with directed vents that push their smoke where you want it. Again, right in your meat's kisser!
Place the pair of pucks right next to cuts of beef, chicken, fish, or pork to infuse them with smoky flavor while grilling. You can fill them with either wood pellets or wood chips, and there's no need to soak the chips beforehand. Place the pucks on the grill grate during preheating to get the smoke swirling - it should take between 15 and 20 minutes. When you're ready to add the meat, place it such that that a puck's main vent it pointed toward the food.
A filled puck should continue smoking for 45 minutes to and hour with pellets and 30 to 45 minutes with wood chips. If you don't feel like messin' with no stinkin' smoke pucks, check out The Smoking Gun, a portable device they say will inject smoke into any food (butter and whiskey included!) in seconds. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.