DrivewaySpike U-Turn Deterrents
Is this a real problem? Or rather, is it such a big deal? People using your driveway as a turnaround. Cars getting lost or going one street too far and pulling into 20' of your pavement to correct their mistake. Since I moved out of my mama's house I've lived in a condo with shared parking so I never experience it firsthand anymore, but I remember this happening on occasion while I was growing up. It never bothered me. If anything, it bummed me out because I'd see some sweet black Merc or or white Mustang pulling in and think, Ooooh, rich company is here! I wonder what presents they brought me! And then they'd pull back out, turn around, and leave, and I'd feel unloved and sullen for the rest of the day.
But the creator of DrivewaySpikes made his flexible, plastic, totally-harmless-yet-tire-killer-looking strip of turnaround deterrents because he found the number of cars treating his driveway like U-turn land to be excessive, unsafe, and really F'ing annoying. His points: 1) your driveway isn't public property; 2) cars using it as such pull in and out fast and recklessly so you won't notice them and run out waving a shotgun; 3) this creates a safety hazard for kids, pets, and anyone else chilling in the yard or passing by.
DrivewaySpikes are a strip of 5 screw-like rubber protrusions mounted to a heavy rubber base. Each set measures 22" long x 6" wide, and weighs over 6 pounds, so it won't blow away or displace when you drive over it yourself. And that's the key: your vehicle (any vehicle) can drive over DrivewaySpikes. Easily, every day, and damage-free.
Because they're really just a bit of subterfuge, similar to a fake security camera or a FakeTV. DrivewaySpikes simply give the illusion that they will impale any tire that crosses them so strangers hunting U-turns will stay away. They're your very own Gandalf on constant alert, ready to tell any 4-wheeled Balrog, "You shall not pass!"
A single strip of DrivewaySpikes is suitable for driveways up to 14' wide. They contain reflective DOT yellow markings for nighttime visibility, and are easy to set down / pick up at will. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.