Filzer Buckster Bow Saw
- Outdoor Edge Pak-Saw - $23.99
- Filzer Buckster Bow Saw Replacement Blade - $19.99
- Gerber Freescape Camp Saw - $42.15
- EverSaw 8.0 - Folding Hand Saw - $19.88
- Sven Saw Original 21" Folding Saw - $38.99
While in the photo above Filzer's Buckster Bow Saw looks like a jagged-bottomed volleyball net, or an upside down shopping cart, or some cumbersome, complex contraption, check out photo #2. A simple, cylindrical tube measuring just 19" long and 1.4" in diameter, with saw blade and handle stored safely inside.
The Buckster Bow Saw has an ultralight aluminum frame, stainless steel tensioning system, and insulating rubber handle whose combined capabilities can tackle logs up to 13" in diameter. Light (1.3 pounds) and easy to carry, the saw could be a trusty companion out on the trail or just nestled inside the Coolbox toolbox your delightful wife and children are going to give you for Father's Day.
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