Zippo 4-in-1 Woodsman Tool

Posted: October 06, 2013
Zippo 4-in-1 Woodsman Tool
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Be a real-life, modern-day superhero with Zippo's 4-in-1 Woodsman tool as your trademark weapon. Pretty lady's kitty stuck in a tree? No problem. Slide out the Woodsman's axe and chop it down. Cats always land on their feet, right? Then rotate the Woodsman 90 degrees to reveal its bow saw, and start breaking down the felled tree for Firewood Fairy delivery services. Use the mallet on the back of the axe to aid the local non-profit in pitching pop-up blinds for the homeless, and the stake puller due south of it take them back down after you've single-handedly raised enough funds to build them their own permanent housing facility. Accept thank yous from selected parties in the form of apple pies and BJs.

The 4-in-1 Woodsman easily coverts from axe to saw, and mallet to stake puller. The bow saw measures 15" long and cuts oak up to 4" in diameter. The hatchet has a 5" blade.

Muchas danke to Mike Shouts.

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