World of Watersports Parthenon Canopy Spa Island

Posted: June 04, 2020
World of Watersports Parthenon Canopy Spa Island
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World of Watersports takes ancient Greece to the lake with their Parthenon Canopy Spa Island. Now, in an effort to make this Parthenon float rather than sink you like a Greek tragedy to the water's floor, WOW has opted to make it out of marine-grade PVC instead of marble. And while big enough to be called an "island" in the pool raft sense, the Parthenon Canopy Spa Island is not built to scale.

It can, however, hold up to 8 lazing loungers in togas, or 4 loungers and 4 losers of a bet tasked with fanning and feeding them grapes.

The Parthenon's canopy is made of mesh, and it also features a large center cutout for foot soaks, 8 cup holders, and a boarding platform.

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