Avalanche Wheeled Roof Rake for Snow Removal

- Avalanche Snow Rake Deluxe - $52.25
- MinnSnowta Dynamo Roof Razor Roof Rake - $140.99
- Snow Joe Twist-N-Lock Telescoping Snow Shovel - $45.01
- Snow Removal Telescoping Roof Rake - $39.99
- Roof Melt Tablets - $28.95
The Avalanche Wheeled Roof Rake is a tool that reminds me how much I hate doing home maintenance. But since Albie down the street's mama says he's too young to crawl around on my own mama's roof to shovel the snow off (come on, he's 11! Double digits!) dealing with this structural threat has fallen on my shoulders. Suckage.
Although, check out this video of the Avalanche in action. Shoveling off a roof with it looks way easier than shoveling off a driveway with a normal shovel. Or even a Snow Wolf. I find the hunks of snow that dislodge and come crashing down very gratifying too. It's like hacking off pieces of a giant ice zombie with every pass.
The Avalanche consists of a 16' fiberglass handle (divvied into 4 x 4' sections) and wheeled head that attach to a 17' x 12' plastic slide. The rake cuts through and severs the snow while the slide glides it in a predictable path from peak to ground. The 1-1/2" wheels on the rake help protect both your roof and your back from damage during use.
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