Dometic MoBar 550S Outdoor Mobile Bar Cart

$5,995.95 Williams Sonoma »

Dometic MoBar. It's short for Domestic Mother's Bar, but they changed the name so dads and dudes will want to use it. No, that's not it. OK, they changed it so it wouldn't be so obvious how bad domestic mothers need a...

Red Feather Canned Butter from New Zealand

Sold Out Amazon »

Since New Zealand is better than anywhere else in the world, it stands to reason that butter from New Zealand is also better than butter from anywhere else in the world (no offense to Kerrygold). And lookee what we have...

Swimming Poo - A Video Game Full of Crap

Swimming Poo's STEAM blurb describes it as "a humorous action game," but that's about as full of crap as Swimming Poo itself. Humorous? If your favorite jokes start with "Pull my finger," or "So I was taking a dump the...

E173: What Is This Thing?

$458.82 Amazon »

Welcome to Edition 173 of What Is This Thing?, my recurring visual riddle series consisting of one simple photo - see above - and one simple question: what is this thing?...

Carhartt Firm Duck Insulated Dog Chore Coat

Sold Out Amazon »

The Carhartt Firm Duck Insulated Dog Chore Coat is for working dogs. Oh, and hipster dogs. Obviously...

ALLEX Super Hard Spring Loaded Scissors

$19.80 Amazon »

Super hard and spring loaded, that's ALLEX Scissors for ya. Hasn't changed a bit since high school, except for maybe bulking up here and there. Growing out of his safety blade into a burly, heavy-duty angled cutter. Replacing...

3D Animal Car Window Decals

$18.59 Etsy »

Honk - no, hoink - if you like pigs busting out the back of car windows! Not all the 3D Animal Car Window Decals in the Andre Valois Shop are as realistic as the cheeky porker you see above, but I've pulled a shortlist...

Bucket Boss Mullet Buster 3-Bag Tool Belt

$87.58 Amazon »

It's a toss-up whether I like the term "Bucket Boss" or "Mullet Buster" more, but put them together? Holy crap, the Bucket Boss Mullet Buster 3-Bag Tool Belt almost makes me want to get a bunch of tools and learn how...

Fluicer Fold-Flat Juicer

$14.95 - $19.95 Dreamfarm »

The Fluicer is one of the latest handy designs, and fanciful portmanteau words, from Dreamfarm. In this case the portmanteau stems the words "flat" and "juicer," and the handiness from a juicer that provides increased...

Comfy Feet Wiggle-Your-Toes Sleeping Bag

Sold Out Amazon »

Don't get me wrong, I love some good toe wiggling, but what about the rest of me, Comfy Feet? Does your sleeping bag starring an expanded foot area also provide comforts to the rest of the human body? Let's discuss...

Mud Scrubber Rubber Brush Mat

$24.99 Amazon »

Will the Mud Scrubber Rubber Brush Mat finally get my mama off my back about my feet? My feet that are only wet and muddy and covered with ice melt because I was out shoveling her sidewalk?...

Shaggy Duvet Cover

$42.99 - $59.99 Amazon »

The shaggy duvet cover. A little bedspread made of pure comfort, hygge, and dead animals...

Bellabooty Hip Thrust Belt

$49.99 Amazon »

With the Bellabooty Belt, you can "hip thrust anytime, anywhere!" And just like that, all your problems - maybe even all the world's problems - are solved!...

OtoSet Ear Cleaning System

$1,759 OtoSet »

Ready...OtoSet...Grooooossss! Uh, I mean, Goooo! Clean those ears, little earwax-sucking set of headphones!...

Carbon Fiber Folding Chess, Checkers & Backgammon Set

Sold Out Amazon »

Well, really it's a carbon fiber-ish folding chess, checkers & backgammon set. The game is made of MDF, but has a "carbon fiber tech material veneer." So not solid carbon fiber, and even the supposed-to-be-carbon-fiber...

ABLOY PL362 Padlock

$365 Amazon »

Wish I could put an ABLOY PL362 Padlock on all my valuables stored on the internet. Credit cards, online banking, home security camera feeds, password manager, PornHub viewing history. That last one mostly for my wife...

Lift Laptop Stand & Whiteboard

Need a Lift to work? The Lift 2-in-1 laptop stand and whiteboard raises your laptop to a better ergonomic position for screen-staring, plus incorporates a dry erase board you can use to take notes and write reminders...

The Hybrid Cocktail Glass

$55 Amazon »

The Hybrid Cocktail Glass allows ye in need of a drink to measure, mix, and mmm mmm mmm down the hatch in a single vessel, without the mess of sweating tumblers, and without the buzzkill of taking sips of a watered-down...

The World's Most Fiendishly Difficult Literary Puzzle

$8.25 Amazon »

Edward Powys Mathers (aka Torquemada) wrote Cain's Jawbone in 1934, and to this day, only 3 people have ever solved the 6 murder mysteries hidden within its hundred pages. So, nope, calling it The World's Most Fiendishly...

My Presenting the Alphabet series has concluded. With, if I may toot mine own horn, all 26 letters accounted for. Even Q. Even X. And over 300 gifts to choose from. Hell, it might be over 500. From A to Z, it's probably over 500, actually, but after the months of hard work I've already put into finding...

Striga Pocket Knife

$215 Matsey »

Be still, my heart, and holy EDStriga, Batman! This is one fine looking pocket knife. Stubby and thicc in all the right places, the Striga Pocket Knife is a Maciej Modrzejewski design, coming soon to his online store...

E172: What Is This Thing?

$235 Amazon »

Welcome to Edition 172 of What Is This Thing?, my recurring visual riddle series consisting of one simple photo - see above - and one simple question: what is this thing?...

Alien Sleeping Bag

$117.79 - $185.99 Amazon »

Don the Alien Sleeping Bag, and watch the tables turn on Bigfoot, Sasquatch, grizzly bears, and all the other beasts of the forest who will now tell campfire stories about and live in fear of you...

AutoDogMug - Portable, Leak-Free Dog Water Bowl

$17.95 - $22 Amazon »

Of all the portable pup water bowls I've seen, the AutoDogMug might be the most user-friendly for both dog and owner. Highwave's leak-free hound hydration system is essentially a squeeze bottle with a small bowl on top...