Pumpkin Backflow Incense Burner


Now I wouldn't call myself an Incense Dude - I'm more of a Rug Dude, obviously - but I am digging this Pumpkin Backflow Incense Burner as a gift for Halloween. It's countertop-sized, so much more subtle than the 35-Foot...

Micro Smoke Machine

$31.51 Etsy »

Where there's smoke, there's fire, but where there's juuust a little bit of smoke, hopefully there's a Micro Smoke Machine. Creator Wayne Berendhuysen of Wayne's Workshop calls his terrific handheld gadget the Costronica...

MelGeek Pixel LEGO-Compatible Keyboard

$199 MelGeek »

Now here's a way to increase workplace productivity. Ha! The MelGeek Pixel LEGO-compatible keyboard is actually the perfect accessory to a new term and practice I heard about the other day: quiet quitting. It's the process...

10-Foot Inflatable Monster Mouth Archway

$159.99 Amazon »

Do the Monster Mash! Or, let this 10-Foot Inflatable Monster Mouth Archway do it to you - right between his big ol' nubby teeth. ... Six of which appear to be growing sideways out of his cheeks. What a Frankenstein!...

Bong Butt Plugs (NSFW)

$40 - $65 Etsy »

These Bong Butt Plugs are smokin' hot! Though I'm not sure if it's from the Blue Dream or the 3 bowls of Four-Chile Chili I ate during NFL Sunday coming out of them...

Automatic Car Fire Extinguisher

$39.99 Amazon »

I don't think most of us worry our cars might explode every time we drive to work or the taqueria, but then again, most of us don't worry we might have a car accident every time we do those things either. And this Automatic...

E160: What Is This Thing?

$59.99 Amazon »

Welcome to Edition 160 of What Is This Thing?, my recurring visual riddle series consisting of one simple photo - see above - and one simple question: what is this thing?...

Entropy Chair

It looks like the web of a spider on mushrooms. It looks like the OG Windows screensaver gone wrong. It looks like someone you would not want on your Apocalypse Team got ahold of the bungee cords. It looks like...entropy!...

Michael Myers Sunshade

$24.99 Amazon »

Dark days are ahead for anyone who uses this Michael Myers Sunshade. Haha, get it? A little slasher humor to brighten your day, 'eh Dad? I mean, I'm just assuming it's Dad reading this, Dad who's interested in: 1) decorating...

Lyon Wavelike LED Bed Frame

$699 - $1,299 Amazon »

The Lyon Wavelike LED Bed Frame, now there's a bed that has "bachelor pad," "one night stand," "possible threesome," and "don't forget to turn those 16-color LEDs off when your mama stops by" written all over it. That...

Ha! 13! There are 13 indulgent gifts for Halloween on my spooky luxury product roundup, and I didn't even do it on purpose! It just happened. 13! Ha! Or rather, Boo!...

Power Idolz Wireless Charging Docks

$42.99 - $58.22 Amazon »

I don't even know where to begin with Power Idolz Wireless Charging Docks. How about, that they're wireless charging docks is the least interesting thing about them? These "characters" from iconic 70s and 80s movies...

Desk Chair Wrap

It's getting to be that time of year. When the weather turns and desk chairs start getting cold. Perpetually. With ice blocks for hands and feet, no matter how high they insist you jack up the thermostat. No matter how...

Tasty Pastry High Protein Snacks

$25.99 Amazon »

Looks like Pop-Tarts have put on a few pounds. Now I know why they call it puff pastry. Tasty Pastry High Protein Snacks must think a lot of stuff out there is tasty...if you know what I mean...

Articulated Finger Extensions

Sold Out Amazon »

What comes to mind when you see these Articulated Finger Extensions? Freddy Krueger? Edward Scissorhands? The Nightmare Before Christmas? Your black-hearted ex-girlfriend Karen (who, coincidentally, was named Karen before...

Work Sharp Pocket Knife Sharpener

$14.95 Amazon »

They come runnin' just as fast as they can / 'Cause every dude crazy 'bout a sharp knife blade. Yeah, yeah, it's not my best song lyric parody. Sorry, Work Sharp and ZZ Top, your Pocket Knife Sharpener and Billboard Mainstream...

Claw Hose Holders

$229 Garden Glory »

Claw your way into Fall - and spooky season - with a Claw Hose Holder in black, silver, or gold. I never thought much of hose racks prior to seeing the falcon talons on these designs from Garden Glory. And given how much...

Puebco Minimalist Wire Step Stool

$76 Craighill »

Puebco's Wire Step Stool is industrial minimalism at its finest, and household tool engineering at its...well...okayest. Despite the Step Stool looking like a cool addition to your garage or modern kitchen, with a recommended...

7-Foot T-Rex Eating a Human Snack Inflatable

Sold Out Amazon »

Poor bastard flailing in the jaws of this 7-foot T-Rex inflatable. But on the bright side, at least the big, skeletal beast isn't eating you or your kids as a human snack, and now he'll be too full to do it when everyone's...

Citizen Bones Humanoid Fishing Lures

David Maher of Citizen Bones Fishing emailed me to suggest his Humanoid (and Skeleton!) Fishing Lures for a product write up, and it reminded me of something: I get a lot of stupid, awful, and pushy product suggestions...

Goblies Throwable Paintballs

$9.40 Amazon »

You don't shoot 'em, you don't drop 'em like a bomb, and you definitely don't Goblies them up. Goblies Throwable Paintballs are soft and squishy projectiles that throw like a water balloon, and land in an explosion of...

The Mini Jumbotron

$2,195 - $3,195 The Mini Jumbotron »

The Mini Jumbotron! It's an oxymoron for your mancave! An oxymoron that's so cool it's fire too, with the design's quad of TVs able to pump out 4 different channels for sports fans during the NCAA Tournament or on NFL...

Vivoo At-Home Urine Test & Wellness Coach

$26.99 - $129.95 Amazon »

I don't need no stinkin' Vivoo at-home urine test and app to tell me what's in my pee. I already know by the smell it's coffee, booze, and, whenever my wife makes me eat vegetables, asparagus...

Glow Sketch Interactive Glow in The Dark Pillowcase

$25 Amazon »

The Glow Sketch Interactive Glow in The Dark Pillowcase is a great gift for kids, but not kids who can't handle things being taken away from them. Because while they'll relish doodling and tic-tac-toeing in glow-in-the-dark...