F-Bomb Bath Bomb

The F-Bomb Bath Bomb says it all: it's been that kind of day. Long, hard, and filled with frustration, the F-word has been exploding freely from your thoughts - maybe your mouth too - and now that you're home, it's time for some fucking self care. So run a hot bath, drop in this fragrant fizzer, and by the time it dissolves, the soothing ingredients and orange soda scent will lull your body into a profanity-free state of calm and relaxation.
And maybe the disappearance of the F-Bomb itself in the water will provide a mental release too, serving as a physical representation of the fact you have no fucks left to give.
The F-Bomb Bath Bomb is a new release from Offensive Crayons, who swears to fuck it is handmade from just a few natural ingredients, and won't stain your tub or skin. Fellow fans of Ted Lasso out there, do you not agree the F-Bomb Bath Bomb would be the perfect joint gift for Roy and Keeley? Keeley could use its tranquil fizz to decompress in a candle-lit bubble bath, while Roy yells, "Fuuuuck!" as it dissolves.
Those who don't want to buy gifts for the fictional characters on Ted Lasso, but are interested in F-Bomb Bath Bombs for a real human in their life, or their own self care, can grab some from the Offensive Crayons online store.