Antler Sunglasses
- Cardboard Elephant Trophy - $14.99
- Antler Toilet Paper Holder - $17.14
- Deer Antler Fan Pull - $8.39
- Bucky The Deer Recycled Cardboard Sculpture - $26.53
- Resin Deer Head for Wall Mounting - $129.99
Get ready to ring in deer season. Material Memorie crafts each pair of these Antler Sunglasses to order, covering their python bone base with a black enamel resin stretched and molded to create an edgy, melted look. No two pairs are exactly alike, though all feature the Material Memorie emblem, and Tim Burton's stamp of approval.
By the way, to all fine specimens of the female persuasion, should you see me rockin' out a pair of Antler Sunglasses, please feel free to hunt me down and take me home for dinner.
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