Sword Keys
- Key Sword - Sword Key Blanks - $9.99
- Lightsaber Key Blanks (2) - $12.25
- 2 Energy Blade Space Weapon Keys Kwikset - $11.25
- Nickel CoinKey - Blank House Key Design - $12.99
- Revolver Gun Key Blank - $9.99
It's dangerous to leave the house without a key! Take this set that will also serve as your sword and shield if the gangs...of ants...attack. The Key Armory stocks up fantasy and gaming fans' keychains with iconic swords from the likes of Legend of Zelda, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and Kingdom Hearts.
Sword Keys are sold as blanks in your choice of Schlage SC1 and Kwikset KW1, keyways that match about 90% of locks currently used in the US today. If you're not sure what kind of key you have, the Key Armory has an on-site reference guide for figuring it out. Once you do, they'll send you the sword blank, and you can take it to the hardware store to have it cut for your specific lock.
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