Dicklicious Penis Lipstick

- Shirazawa Mushroom Lipstick - $6.49
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- Christmas Tree Kitty Carpet Reusable Downstairs Toupee - $8.95
- Pranks Anonymous Glitter Bomb - $27.99
- Crop Dusting Champion Mints - $4.99
I've seen lipstick on a penis, but Dicklicious is my first encounter with penis on a lipstick. I mean, unless we're talking dog penis, which when exhibited in a certain state goes by the colloquial name, "red lipstick," but in terms of human penis lipstick, nope. Dicklicious is the first I've ever seen.
But given all the Dirty Santa gift exchanges and searches for mother-in-law stocking stuffers I have coming up, I'm certain it won't be the last.
As a bonus for those expect their Dicklicious Penis Lipstick to actually be used, maker Grown Fold Party allows buyers to choose their favorite cock color from a palette of a dozen hues. In addition to reds and pinks, a few flesh tones are also included.
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