Dripstick After-Sex Cleanup Sponge

Welp, I'll give Dripstick credit for one thing: it puts on no heirs when it calls itself a "cum sponge." Yeesh. That description makes the Sperm Towel seem downright prude.
To expand upon the Dripstick's cum sponge description, what we have here is a soft, medical-grade sponge on a stick made to soak up post-coital fluids from the vaginal canal. Kind of like a tampon for semen, I guess. The Bounty Quicker Picker Upper of after-sex cleanup.
Made by Awkward Essentials - and is that not the best name for a sex and personal hygiene company ever? - Dripsticks are disposable wands sold in packs of 10 to 100. Ladies who haven't yet tried plunging a sponge up their vag to clean away a dude's love mayonnaise can also opt for a Dripstick 3-pack sample, reserved for first-time buyers.