Nostalgia with a Twist of Darkness T-Shirts

This line of Nostalgia with a Twist of Darkness T-Shirts comes from the dark and nostalgic mind of artist Steven Rhodes. I've included some of my favorites in the images above, but there are dozens more to choose from, some of which are too black and occult in their humor even for me. T-Shirts with "Let's Sacrifice Toby," "My First Knife Fight," and "Learn About Subtraction," each with corresponding images of children doing things no one, especially children, should be doing immediately come to mind.
But regardless of what level of discomfort they instill in me, I can't deny that all of Rhodes' parodies on 70s and 80s children's book covers are very clever. Plus, each T-Shirt comes in a choice of over 2 dozen different colors, several different cuts and compositions, and your choice of male or female fit.
Also, I have to admit that I purchased the "Stay Positive!" T-Shirt of a kid giving a thumbs up as he's getting eaten by a shark, and I also have to admit that I deliberately purchased it before writing up the Steven Rhodes Nostalgia with a Twist of Darkness T-Shirt collection so I could be sure to get mine before you dudes bought them all up.
Muchas danke to Geeks Are Sexy.