Giant Middle Finger Mask

While I like the middle finger as much as the next dude, and therefore giant like the idea of a giant middle finger, I'm not sure about the Giant Middle Finger Mask. First of all, it's wack to look at. Up there with the Baby Head Masks.
Second of all, if you walk around your Halloween party in a Giant Middle Finger Mask, essentially flipping the bird to everyone you see, no one is going to want to talk to you. They might pay you the gesture, or a "Hey, F you too!" in kind, but stand around making polite conversation with someone trying so hard to be impolite, some asshole who thinks he's clever, but is really just an asshole? No, gracias.
And speaking of assholes, transforming your head into the embodiment of the "Up yours!" sentiment kind of conjures the image of that head - your head - up the ass of all the sentiment's recipients. It does to me, anyway. So Giant Middle Finger Mask, I raise my normal sized middle finger to you. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.