Dr. Squatch Star Wars Collection Soap

Perhaps once they see Dr. Squatch's Star Wars Collection Soap your kiddos won't want to cast bathtime into a galaxy far, far away. A limited edition from the hairy beast grooming brand, Star Wars Soaps pay equal homage to the Light Side and the Dark Side with bars in scents and grits that give you plenty of options of how you want to scrub-a-dub-dub. All adhere to Dr. Squatch's founding principles of cleansing with all-natural ingredients, no synthetic detergents or harsh chemicals in sight.
Much to the disappointment of Darth Vader and Darth Maul.
The Dr. Squatch Star Wars Collection includes 4 bars of body soap. Representing the Light Side are Yoda and his Wisdom Wash and Obi-Wan Kenobi's Only Hope Soap. Both bars are grit-free; Yoda's offering contains lotus leaf and has a fresh, herbaceous scent, while Obi-Wan opts for thyme leaf and bentonite clay to soothe and detoxify lightsaber-battle-worn skin.
Dark Side loyalists, plus bathers who need to exfoliate, will appreciate Darth Vader's Dark Side Scrub and Darth Maul's Ruthless Rinse. These soaps contain heavy grit. Vader's namesake contains chokeberry, sand, and coconut charcoal, spun with a smoky amber scent. Maul's bar is made with dragon fruit and black sand, and scented with a spicy, energizing aroma.
The Dr. Squatch Star Wars Collection Soap is indeed sold as a 4-bar collection, packed in a fine themed box ready for Star Wars gifting. Dudes, ladies, and kiddos who want to buy bars of Star Wars Soap individually have to subscribe to the Dr. Squatch Soap Club. There, you can pick your individual soaps in batches of 3,6, or 9, and commit to having them delivered every 3 months.