EDGUP Neckline Shaving Template

- Wahl Deluxe Self Cut - Do It Yourself Haircut Kit - $26.50
- Conair Even Cut Hair Clipper - $39.99
- Mirror Go Round 4-way Mirror - $18.25
- Unisex Razor Comb - $10.99
- Hair Catch Cape - $13.00
It would be nice not to have to go to the barber, or the toilet in my mama's bathroom, every time I need my neckline trimmed up. Or, as my mama says, "weed whacked and de-brambled." Like I didn't inherit my lush, albeit somewhat wiry, head of hair from her. For those who feel similarly, and up to tackling the task themselves, the EDGUP provides a template for shaving or trimming the neckline.
With a simple curved design and flexible silicone construction, the EDGUP was created to save men minutes and dollars, delivering precise alignment for poker straight self-administered neckline grooming in between (or along with) haircuts. It also makes for a handy addition to travel toiletry kits.
Muchas danke to Ben M. for the Dude Product Tip.
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