Star Trek Enterprise Rocker

- Mr. Spock Rubber Duckie - $12.40
- Star Trek United Federation Logo Baby Snapsuit - $22.97
- USS Enterprise 1/1700 Bandai Model Kit - $175.00
- Star Trek USS Enterprise Plush Toy - $16.99
- Star Trek Scrabble - $53.00
It's been awhile--January 2012 to be exact--since I've seen hand-carved Star Trek splendor of this baby rocker's magnitude. Anyone remember the Enterprise coffee table? Maybe in the 4-1/2 years since you bought and set that bad boy up in your bachelor pad you met a girl, took a walk in a church, exchanged white gold & topaz Trekkie rings, and then woke up one morning to the sounds of a shrieking child your wife keeps calling your son. Maybe he's 2 now, just old enough to start learning to pee in the pot and make the Vulcan salute. Maybe it's time to give him a USS Enterprise of his own.
Chris and Karen Bucklen run G and G rockers in San Diego. They made the Starship Enterprise Rocker you see here by hand from 99% bare unfinished wood. They'll stain or paint it in your choice of colors for some extra bucks too. Hmmm, Command Gold or Sciences Blue? Could Junior better take care of you in your old age as a CEO or a surgeon?