Surf Porn

Surf Porn. Sounds like a mighty fine subgenre of the industry to me. But, alas, if Surf Porn is to be a literal term, it will be up to me and mine, or you and yours (or all of us!) to make it so, because here Surf Porn is Surf Porn: Surf Photography's Finest Selection.
Not Surf Porn: Riding the Booty Waves.
A coffee table book that will make all surfers long for the ocean, and all non-surfers in landlocked cities long to sit on the beach and watch them, Surf Porn compiles the work of the world's best surf photographers into a 250+-page spread of "the most astonishing scenes from the rarest surfing spots on our blue planet." Some narrative accompanies the images, including a preface by surf_porn Instagram page creator, Gaspard Konrad, but Surf Porn is primarily just that: visuals that will make you prickle, drool, yearn, and possibly shoot your wad. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.