QB54 - Lawn Chair Football Game
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Get your tailgating season started as frikkin' early as NFL preseason with the QB54, an outdoor football game built around a pair of packable lawn chairs.
Slip the QB54 seat covers off their back fame and replace them with the game's yellow goalposts. Pull the flaps forward to reveal to reveal your "touchdown baskets" (that, ironically, look like basketball nets) under the chairs' butt cradles. Then set up the chair goals facing one another about 40' apart. Cue Hank Williams Jr. Are you ready for some football?
Play QB54 1 on 1 or 2 on 2, alternating throws for points. If you hit your target chair on the fly you get 3 points. Sink the football in the basket, you get a touchdown. Six points, plus a chance to kick.
Kicking through the goalposts earns you 1 extra point. Kicking the ball in the basket wins you the whole game.
And even though one of the first rules of football is not to let the ball touch the ground, in QB54 if you throw the ball and it bounces off the ground into the basket, you get 2 points.
The defending team can also score - 3 points to anyone who catches a rebound from the chair before it hits the ground.
When you're worn out from QB54 action, or someone gets pissed and pops the inflatable football, reattach the chair covers, grab a beer, and use the seats as standard lawn chairs. They even have a cupholder.
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