Adult-Size Big Wheel
- Hauck Traxx Typhoon Three Wheeler - $155.99
- Hillkicker Pro, Tricycle for Adults - $249.00
- TerraTrike Rover 3 Speed Recumbent Trike - $899.00
- Mobo Triton Ultimate Three Wheeled Cruiser - $309.99
- Mobo Shift Reversible Cruiser - $509.97
8 and under? How about 18 and over? The High Roller Big Wheel, like bars, skydiving, Leisure Suit Larry, and all the best things in life, with the exception of nipples, was made for adults only. Big boys (and girls) who still want to tear around empty streets and parking lots on 3 oversized tires, sitting close enough to the ground that when they inevitably do something stupid and capsize, the likelihood of breaking bones, sustaining a concussion, or removing the top layer of epidermal tissue will still be pretty low, now have a vehicle with which to do so.
The Big Wheel fit for World 4 of Super Mario Bros. 3 is fabricated from a heavy duty steel frame and fork, molded 14" plastic rear wheels ideal for power sliding, and a 26" front wheel with aluminum alloy rim and rubber tire designed for delivering traction and enabling high-speed coasting. Or cruising. 'Cause baby you're a song, you make me wanna mount my High Roller and cruuuuuise.
High Roller trikes have adjustable padded seats since one slightly less desirable attribute of adulthood is your whole body starts falling apart and tweaked L5 vertebrae and right knees with no cartilage left in them can't be crammed into any old Big Wheel anymore.
Adult-size trikes fit adults sized 5'1" to 6'10" tall, and up to 300 pounds.