Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Classic Controllers

ColorWare's Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Classic Controllers are pretty fly for a game guy. And also pretty pricey for a paint job. I don't care how precise and professional the controllers look, or how hard their red retro buttons tug at my heart strings, I'd have to pull at least a thousand weeds for my mama before she'd shell out $200 for this retro gaming gift.
And then another 4,000 so she'd get me the Nintendo Switch to go with it.
Obviously modeled after the OG, circa 1985 NES controllers, the Joy-Con Classics leave no hue or sheen to compromise. Is it very hard to replicate Nintendo gray, black, and glossy red? That I do not know. But the ColorWare scheme nails my nostalgia either way, with a single gaze taking me back to my days of Mario 3 and Fester's Quest in the basement.
Come on, don't tell me you don't remember Fester's Quest.
The Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Classic Controllers are part of a limited edition release, with the first 25 also having a number of authenticity.