
Beastgrip Smartphone Camera Rig

Sold Out Amazon »

If the grip is as beastly as the look of this smartphone camera rig, I think we've got a chicken dinner on the table tonight. The Beastgrip Pro is a universal lens adapter and rig system for your phone intended to give...

Polaroid CUBE+ 1440p Mini Camera

Sold Out Amazon »

At just a little over 1 cubic inch in size, Polaroid describes their CUBE+ 1440p action camera as both the World's Cutest and the World's Funnest. So obviously it's for serious selfie-takers only...

Nixie Flying Wearable Camera

The Nixie may be a ways from reality--and your wrist--but its live demo debut at CES 2016 proves it's a lot more than a few mockup drawings and some dude's dream (or, in this case, a dude and a dudette). The wearable...

Lytro Immerge - Light Field VR Camera

Lytro Immerge brings the Light Field to cinematic virtual reality. Though intended more for professionals than YouTube hobbyists, the forthcoming spaceship of a camera says it can create "lifelike presence" in live action...

Lily Autonomous Drone Camera

My friend Cornelius and I threw a Lily in the air once in 6th grade. She dropped like a sack of twice-baked bacon and brown butter potatoes. (Don't worry, there was a lake there to catch her.) But throw this Lily in the...

Belfie Butt Selfie Stick

If you (ladies) are going to take inordinate numbers of photos of your own self, you (ladies) may as well take them of the parts of your body I most enjoy looking at. The Belfie is a forthcoming butt selfie stick. Designed...

Giroptic 360cam

$499 Giroptic »

French company Giroptic is now selling what it calls World's! First! true 360 HD camera. The easily transported, easily maneuverable, and easily dangle-able 360cam shoots real-time streaming video over WiFi, recorded...

Instacube - Real-Time Instagram Photo Frame


One piece of advice to Instacube users: don't drink & stream. While the real-time digital display frame does make it easy to share photos of the grandkids with family or schmoopy, pathetic shots of you pining for your...

Seek Thermal Camera for Smartphones

$249 - $299 Amazon »

Detect infrared "light" on your iPhone or Android with Seek, a thermal imaging camera that can identify objects' emissions in both daylight and the black of night. It's an affordable gadget for consumers to dink around...

Pocketcopter - World's Smallest Flying Camera

$115 indiegogo »

One way to take rad photos at unique angles is to climb on furniture and scale trees and hang from power lines. That's what Thomas, Mike, and Ricardo used to do. Until they broke one too many lamps and bones, at which...

Fujifilm Instax Share Smartphone Printer

$85.90 Amazon »

A selfie in the hand is worth two on Instagram. Fujifilm's Instax Share SP-1 printer enables immediate and direct mobile printing. You want your mug on the break room fridge/dangling from your rearview mirror/sent over...

Autonomous Drone Filming System

$949 - $1,149 HEXO+ »

The battle cry of Next Level Aerial Filming's forthcoming autonomous drone system: Get stupidly good-looking aerial shots. Stupidly good-looking. Can't go wrong with that. The system pairs with most drones, action cameras...

LifePrint WiFi Photo Printer

$99 - $125 LifePrint »

For its price, particularly its Kickstarter price, the LifePrint seems pretty convenient and versatile. Its basic function as a WiFi photo printer for Apple and Android smartphones allows anyone with either a WiFi or...

Neurocam - Brainwave-Based Camera

According to Forbes magazine, 2014 is bringing back tight-rolled jeans headgear. Thankfully, most of it won't connect to braces or interfere with beer consumption like Joan Cusack's in Sixteen Candles, but much will look...

ShutterBall - Bluetooth Selfie Camera


Hmmm, ShutterBall looks like gadget fit for the MUA. But I guess that's not surprising given that people seem to enjoy taking selfies as much as they enjoy using sex toys these days. This bulbous piece of Bluetooth tech...

Bublcam - 360-Degree Camera

$477 - $525 bublcam »

What better way to prove you've got balls than to show 'em? That's the cue photography seems to be taking from projects such as the Panono and, here, the bublcam. A baseball-sized spherical camera, bublcam houses 4 equidistant...

Panono: Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera

$1,240 Panono »

Almost 2 years ago we showed you grad student Jonas Pfeil's superb photographic concept: a spherical camera that, when tossed in the air, takes panoramic photos. To put it lifelessly. To put it in the more representative...

Pixelstick Light Painting System

$300 Kickstarter »

Sometimes it's humbling when you enter into the domain of professionals and hobbyists who do things that both blow your mind and make you feel like a complete jackass for your inability to understand how they accomplish...

Impossible Instant Photo Lab

$299 Impossible »

The Impossible Instant Lab is an expandable photo processor that can intake any digital image from an iPhone or iPod Touch and output a Polaroid-style analog photo in seconds. Used in combination with a free Impossible...

Digital Recording Binoculars

Sold Out Amazon »

If I were to stumble upon, say, a honey badger battling a cobra, or a monkey washing a cat, I wonder how close I would be able to sneak before disrupting the event and getting myself killed. Probably not close enough...

Phantom Quadcopter with GoPro Mount


So I guess laborers can take a modicum of comfort in knowing that white collar jobs are beginning to get outsourced to robots as well. Unmanned aerial systems pioneer DJI Innovations fabricates a host of flightful fancies...

Squito Throwable 360 Camera

I'm not sure grad student Jonas Pfeil would agree that Serveball's Squito is the "world's first intelligent throwable camera", given that he too has developed a ball with which to capture 360 degrees of snapshots during...

Soloshot Automatic Cameraman

Sold Out Amazon »

The Soloshot base syncs with an armband users wear while surfing, skating, skiing, dirt biking, or walking like Kevin Spacey in that scene from The Usual Suspects where he makes the transformation from Virgil the Gimp...

Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner

$59 Lomography »

Strapping young buck that I am, I had to look up what 35mm film is when I heard all the ruckus about this Lomography Film Scanner that transfers photos from 35mm negatives to smartphones. Apparently 35mm film is an ancient...