Monkey's Fist Espresso Cup

Who wants to take a shot from the Monkey's Fist Espresso Cup? Maker Texas Mud Monger says this espresso sipper is "for all the nautical enthusiasts out there," but I would add it is also for all the enthusiasts of clubbing - no, monkey-bitch slapping - attackers in the face.
The monkey's fist originated as a type of sailing knot, named for the bunched fist or paw it resembles when made properly. It is both ornamental and, when secured to the end of a rope, utilitarian in nature. Some sailors call the latter version a "slungshot."
The Monkey's Fist Espresso Cup is also utilitarian in nature, albeit in a completely different, and much less aggressive way. Able to hold up to 4 ounces of strong brew, the handmade cup is made of porcelain and food-safe ceramic, finished in your choice of dark green or seafoam gloss.