Dyson V6 Mattress & Car Seat Vacuum

- Dyson V6 Trigger - $195.01
- VANDEK Handheld Pro Cyclone Car Vac - $52.00
- Neato Botvac Robot Vacuum for Pets & Allergies - $499.00
- Eureka EasyClean Corded Hand-Held Vacuum - $39.99
- Black & Decker Cordless Dust Buster Hand Vac - $59.88
One thing I know is that the 2 million dust mites Dyson says have colonized my mattress along with their allergenic feces are almost enough to make me lose my lunchtime appetite today (almost; thankfully, my love of the Rollin' Chubbies taco truck trumps my disgust for sharing my bed with microbial invaders). And one thing we all know is that Dyson makes some serious vacuum cleaners. Serious in their suction, serious in their durability, and very serious in their price tags. The V6, a handheld vacuum designed specifically to combat the armies of filth in your mattresses and car seats, is a Dyson through and through.
The V6 uses a digital motor and 2-tier radial cyclones not just to clean mattress and seat surfaces, but to penetrate them, digging up dust and allergens embedded deep within. HEPA filtration throughout the entire vacuum then captures 99.97% of the particulates, sucking in those as small a 0.3 microns. V6 models include a suite of attachments for vacuuming crevices and awkward spaces. They are also quieter than Dyson's other handheld, the V6 Trigger.
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