Get Your Fat Pants Ready Banner

Get your fat pants ready, dudes! The Season of Eating, the Festival of Feasting, the Gobble, Gobble...Pepto Bismol...Gobble, Gobble, the Thanksgiving Dinner is upon us! And in case you need a reminder, here's a glittery gold party banner you can hang in your house to ensure you don't leave or sit down for Thanksgiving dinner without your fat pants.
The Get Your Fat Pants Ready Banner is made of thick cardstock covered in gold glitter, so in addition to getting your fat pants ready to facilitate your Thanksgiving dinner gorging, you should also get your furniture and carpets ready to welcome the shiny little flecks of craft herpes they're going to house for the next 5 years. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.