
100 Challenging Novels Scratch Off Chart

$25 Pop Chart »

If by "100 Challenging Novels Scratch Off Chart," you mean 100 novels that are difficult for a dude of average IQ - OK, maybe slightly below average IQ according to the free online IQ test - to read and understand, then...

Plufl: The Dog Bed for Humans

$399 - $449 Plufl »

Welp, we've got dog food for humans, so why not dog beds for humans? Thank you Soylent, and now, Plufl. Plufl is basically a big ol' human-sized dog bed, designed by "avid nappers" Noah and Yuki to create the ultimate...

Travis Barker Skull Bowl

The Skull Bowl is part of Buster + Punch's Travis Barker Collaboration, a collection that also includes candlesticks, cabinet knobs, door stops, drum keys, and pendants. All skulls. All day long. All too available in...

You & Your Pet Custom Portrait

$28.95 - $74.95 Etsy »

It takes no stretch of the imagination these days to believe someone created an easy way to make custom portraits of you and your pet. The technology is there. The availability of Photoshop is there. And, for better or...

Moon Mirror Transforming Mirror & Wall Lamp

$129.99 - $219.99 Amazon »

The man in the moon is a reflection of myself. No, really. It's me, looking at the moon, and then seeing myself, looking at the moon, and then seeing myself, looking at... All it takes is the simple flick of the Moon...

Kichler Kyte Modern Ceiling Fan

Sold Out Amazon »

I like the modern look of the Kichler Kyte Ceiling Fan. Very cool indeed. Wonder how many fingers it would shear off if I touched its giant spinning pan in motion. And I'm thinking total knockout + concussion if it hit...

Floof Human Snuggle Sack & Floor Pillow

$315 - $361 Etsy »

Have you ever dreamed of sleeping, relaxing, living inside a pillow? I haven't...until now. Check out these Floof snuggle sacks and floor pillows from Floof Couture. Designer and seamstress Rose makes a huge line of them...

Folk Art Erotic Guns (NSFW)

Now this is an interesting take on how to cock a gun. Dudes, I know the term "art" has a broad, very broad, definition, and these "Folk Art Erotic Guns" from Mexico aren't even close to the most bawdy sculptures ever...

Suede Wallpaper

$199 Articture »

Articture's Suede Wallpaper isn't just wallpaper made of suede, it's wallpaper made of suede, and then decked out in some of the sickest, trippiest, and - be still, my heart! - most beautiful designs I've seen hanging...

Ayumi Shibata Paper Cutout Sculptures

I'm calling Ayumi Shibata's paper cutouts sculpture, but it would be more accurate to say what the Japanese master of kirigami creates is paper cutout worlds. I don't think I've been so in awe of the effects of sharp...

Retro Bicycle Wall Art

$29.59 - $43.99 Amazon »

Ding, ding! Bicycle coming through! Well...partway through anyway. These retro bicycle sculptures make for some charming 3D wall art, especially with their front baskets ready to enhance the effect when filled with flowers...

Buttons & Pearl 3D Layered Wood Mountain Wall Art

$117 - $1,350 Etsy »

Cliiimb eeevry mountain...or save yourself the physical labor and just hang the best of them on your wall, courtesy of the physical labors - and creative vision - of Buttons & Pearl. The Nashville-based shop handmakes...

Banana Vase

$28 Etsy »

Banana Vase seller Kiwimana, in promoting their tropical fruit flower jardiniere, asks, "Who do not love banana?" To which I respond, "Who do not indeed! Everyone love banana! And this Dude especially love Banana Vase!"...

Terra Fab Mini Tabletop Fire Pit


The look of nature, the touch of engineering. These mini tabletop fire pits are made of Terra Fab, a material that replicates wood appearances and textures, but performs more like glass wool...or whatever else you can...

Stormtrooper Bookends

$74.94 Amazon »

I mean, are Stormtroopers gonna be any better as bookends than they are as sharp shooters? Seems like you'd rather have someone with The Force on their side, like Yoda or Luke, or at least some legit literal force, like...

Topo Trail Maps - Custom Trail Topography Art

$495 - $3,995 Topo Trail Maps »

Memories of the most beautiful, challenging, momentous trail you've ever traveled become a custom, 3D work of art, courtesy of Topo Trail Maps. Out of his studio in Oregon, Trevor Crosta handmakes every Topo Trail Map...

Eicher Glass Handblown Glass Snakes

$59.99 - $299.99 Etsy »

Ryan Eicher makes glass snakes. Or, if you will, glassssssssnakes. Some are simple figurines, pieces of desktop decor, but many of the mesmerizing, technicolor designs are wearable as pendants, or dangle-able from your...

Viking Oil Lamp

$56.50 Etsy »

Take a ceramic Viking Oil Lamp, and light your way in the New Year, dudes. This one is handmade, with each piece being "unique and inimitable," and covered in futhark runes that hopefully ward off bad spirits and additional...

Wire Bonsai Trees

$111.04 - $517.96 Etsy »

On this last day of 2021, here's a bonsai tree to bring you dudes good luck and harmony in 2022. Look, it's even made of wire, so there's no chance you will kill it and work up a Sensate's worth of anxiety over a sign...

Things That Can Kill You Wall Calendar

$14.99 Amazon »

The Things That Can Kill You Wall Calendar doesn't want to ruin the surprise. Aside from the coconut on its front cover - a well-known death-dealer to many of us - the 2022 date tracker doesn't provide a single reveal...

Map of the Internet 2021

$49 - $278 Zazzle »

How much has the world...wide web changed since 2014? Martin Vargic maps it out in stunning detail in his latest Map of the Internet update, appropriately titled Map of the Internet 2021...

Christmas Vacation Light Up Fried Cat Rug

$39.95 Amazon »

Guess we don't have to worry about the cat knocking down the Christmas tree this year. Hey, honey, your Uncle Joe likes fried cat, doesn't he? Or at least he won't be able to tell the difference between it and honey-roasted...

Southern Woods Style Message Boards & Organizers

$42 - $245 Etsy »

Organize with style - Southern Woods Style - courtesy of these handmade message boards and organizers. Available in an array of sizes and configurations, Southern Woods Style creations are wall-mounted units made for...

Woodstock String Lights

Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Except, perhaps, a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree illuminated with these Woodstock String Lights. Look at the little birdies in the Santa hats. Say they're...