Puking Kitty Gravy Boat

- Cat Bucking Puking Rainbow Shark Flask - $14.95
- Abbott Collection China Cat Creamer - $20.99
- Blue Rose Polish Pottery Cow Creamer - $38.50
- Lucky Cat Waving Arm Cat Porcelain Maneki Neko - $36.79
- Blue Whale Gravy Boat - $26.99
The Puking Kitty Gravy Boat is bllleeeccchhh! for the 2020 holiday season. In 2012 the couple behind the Puking Kitty puked up their first gravy boat in the likeness of their rescue cat, Mr. B. They ran the design as a Kickstarter project, and supporters pounced on it. The first run sold out, and the Puking Kitty took an 8-year hiatus.
Recently though, Bill Maher revisited the Puking Kitty Gravy Boat on his Real Time show, and it - along with the entirety of 2020, I'd imagine - inspired the hacker-upper's return to market. I think we can all agree that along with a little Christmas, we need a little Puking Kitty right meow. Dirty Santa or gift for your girlfriend, anyone? (Note for the latter: you can use the Puking Kitting Gravy Boat as a succulent planter too.)
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