
Dimond Knife Sharpener

Sold Out Amazon »

The thing I remember most about last month is suction. Thanks to the Mighty Mug, I have never been more impressed by this simple method of sticking things to other things. No joke. After passing a couple of Mighty Mugs...

Big Boss Oil-Less Fryer

$147.99 Amazon »

We all know there are 2 failsafe ways to make any food taste good: 1) Add bacon; 2) Batter and deep fry. Too bad both make you tub out and smell bad. However, for those intent on eating their nightly helping of fried...

Chemist's Spice Rack

$49.99 ThinkGeek »

I'm trying to think of a way to spin the Chemist's Spice Rack into something besides the perfect gift for a complete culinary geek, but...donut hole. Then again, as evidenced by the comments on ThinkGeek's listing of...

Eco-Egg Automatic Mini Washing Machine

Sold Out Amazon »

Could your days of quarter hoarding and letting sweat-saturated clothes pile up until your entire room smells like a festering colony of bacteria because you can't do laundry until you have a full load be over? Eco-Egg...

Recycled Motorcycle Carburetor Planter

$45 Etsy »

If I had an old motorcycle carburetor I would probably throw it in a dump truck on its way to a landfill, where it would join the other mountains of trash in a slow but eternal process of killing living things. A far...

Keypad Fix Remote Control Reviver

$13.68 Amazon »

Now this looks like a fun project for a Wednesday night. Gather up all of the remote controls with buttons to which I must apply approximately 18 kilonewtons of force* to get to work, and fix them with some goo that looks...

Time Bomb Kitchen Timer

Sold Out Amazon »

They could have done so much more when they decided to turn a ticking time bomb into a kitchen timer. I think rather than twisting the center people should be able to pull the fuse to set it. And then with each passing...

Neon Illuminated Bathtub

$2,400 GNR 8 »

If Slimer slimed in a bathtub, it would probably look something like this illuminated Jan Puylaert design. Only, like...slimier. But Puylaert's self-standing tubs with built-in neon lighting systems don't look dirty or...


$880 - $4,400 Adam Frank »

Look into Adam Frank's LUCID Mirror and you'll see illuminated 3D clouds and sun rays, and maybe some other creepy CS Lewis or Mirror, Mirror Wicked Queen paranormal activity. Using a patent-pending method derived from...

Confluence Topographic Tray


Confluence looks so vast. Layers of birch plywood undulating over a rich landscape of smooth canyons and swirling colors carved especially to transport your wildest dreams and...your teapot. Zoom out. A little more. Oh...

Dremel Multi-Function Butane Torch

$55.90 Amazon »

Re-soldering the backyard gutters and then lighting up the sugar on a creme brulee until it melts into a delectably crisp shell. That's the kind of stuff around the house I really enjoy...having my mama do. And now with...

Tuuli Armor Tornado Shield

$320 - $350 indiegogo »

Having recently returned from a trip to Tornado Alley, during which I was ripped from my slumber one night and told to get the hell out of bed and down to the basement, I can sympathize with Steven Anderson's life in...

Cacoon Hanging Nest

$340 - $500 Amazon »

Nick and Sarah, husband and wife and owners of hang-in-out LLP conceived their Cacoon hanging nests while traipsing through a Mexican jungle. They saw a colony of Weaver birds chilling in their homemade bolt-holes and...

Real Glowing Jellyfish Sculptures


Sealife Creations turns deceased jellyfish--the second most common creature on earth next to insects, they say--into handmade sculpted works of art for the desktop. Most of the oval encasements range from 4" to 7" tall...

German Light Bulb Voltage Tester Bar

Here's a bar cart inspired by a 1920s light bulb voltage tester salvaged from a German factory. Because, why not? Steampunk is in. Light bulbs are a strangely hot topic these days. Giant, 265-pound iron orbs are always...

Supersize Bed

Cecilia Carey (set and costume designer) and Harry Parr ("architectural foodsmith") obviously got pregnant and high respectively and were like, "What would be the best thing ever right now?" Their conclusion, reached...

Skeleton Key Mini-Tool

Triple Aught Design's Skeleton Key is a crafty piece of EDC with a versatile anatomical structure and bones US-made of solid 6AL-4V titanium billet. Not just a multi-tool but, in its attractive and svelte package, a mini-tool...

Tactical Walls Inserts & Concealment Covers

$120 - $490 Tactical Walls »

Although the word "tactical" has become as overused as the word "awesome", Tactical Walls reminds us there are still times when it can be applied meaningfully and justifiably. And also awesomely. Tactical Walls are inserts...

Waterfall Soap Saver

$13.69 Amazon »

I like this Waterfall Soap Saver's simple idea for making my Zest last longer, and also for preventing it from getting that slimy Gulf of Mexico catfish skin it always acquires when left to sit in its own wet glycerin-ness...

Ocean Kitchen - Aquarium Island

Once I'd covered fish aquarium bathroom sinks and aquaponic end tables I figured the whole fish-in-your-furniture schtick had run its course. What other piece of home decor could incorporate aquatic life without seeming...

Bullet Gun Cleaning Kit

$34.95 Amazon »

If your 16-year-old daughter is going on a date with some punk kid and he comes to pick her up at your house, is it more or less intimidating to be cleaning your guns with a bullet-shaped gun cleaning kit? On the one...

Da Vinci Ascent Vaporizer

$249.99 - $299 Da Vinci »

Guess who got a new vaporizer. That's right. My friend Victor. Victor's favorite thing about his Da Vinci Ascent is the following statement describing it: "Provides 3 hours of vaping for loose leaf, herbs & oils." Three...

HB Pencil Lamp

All that's missing are the teeth marks. Michael & George pay homage to hardness and blackness with their HB Lamp, a 5-1/2' floor light shaped like a pencil. In and of itself a lamp created in the image of a #2 isn't that...

SWASH 10-Minute Clothing Refresher

$379.96 - $399.99 Amazon »

SWASH knows that just because I wear my button-up to happy hour at Rosita's haven of deep-fried Mexican everything, and then dinner at Taste of India doesn't mean it's actually soiled to the point of shelling out for...