Skull Stands
Though these skull stands from Detroit-based 400oz. are made only of high grade resin, they sure get the wheels turning, don't they? Like, why not preserve Uncle Joe's memory by converting him into something more useful...
TIK Ultra-Thin Bike Chain Keychain
According to the TIK keychain and the sagging bulge in my left pants pocket, 75% of a key's mass is useless. So TIK creator Daniel Farkas hacked off the proverbial fat, attaching only the meaty parts of his keys to a...
Bottle Opener Beer Glass
Ahhh, the marriage of bottle opener and beer glass. We have reached the pinnacle of efficiency and consolidation. Nothing left to do now but go home. And pop the top off a cold one...
Galactic Cap Just-the-Tip Condom
"The Galactic Cap is a condom men will want to wear and their partners will love. A better alternative, it will increase condom use and promote healthier sex." Want to wear? Partners will love? Well. Considering this...
Steak Saws
Steak Saws? Now that's a little cynical, don't you think? Just because you've had to get the entirety of your body weight behind carving bites off of every steak your wife/girlfriend/mama has served to this point in life...
Craft Beer Glass Tasting Kit
Maybe with Spiegelau's craft beer glass tasting kit downing 4 beers at 11 a.m. won't make me a drunk so much as it will make me a tasting experiment participant. At least the first few times someone walks into the break...
Infinite Dungeon Corridor
The Infinite Dungeon Corridor. Enter at your own risk...and inevitable peril. Ow! I think I jammed my finger on a mirror!...
Lemon & Lime Slicer
A manual contraption for slicing lemons and limes into perfect wedges that isn't my two hands may not be a groundbreaking addition to the world, but as a bar tool I'd pretty sure I'd use it at least as much as my shaker...
Waterfall & Massage Shower Panel
Ever heard anyone say, It's not the dress, it's the girl in the dress? I feel the same basically goes for showers--it's not the shower, it's the girl in the shower--only with a few exceptions. Like AKDY's shower panel...
BugZooka Bug Catcher
I don't know about the BugZooka's whole catch-and-release design. I mean, yeah, if I caught my senile neighbor's cat Willard in my house again and had a CatZooka that would humanely suck him up into a holding chamber...
Manifold Clock
When people like my Aunt Jan speak contemptuously of other people like me, who they believe "do nothing but sit around watching time go by," the judgmental old hags should probably look into whether or not their unambitious...
Elevator Bed
This electric Murphy bed hides in the ceiling. It descends as if from the heavens when your hour of slumber arrives. And each time it bears a new gift: silk pajamas; fine Scotch; Sean Penn's daughter. Or that's what would...
Magic Tank Emergency Fuel
The problem with not filling up until your gas light comes on isn't that you're being carelessly dangerous or unwittingly living on the edge, it's that sometimes you get stuck inside ginormous gridlocked clusterclucks...
CarbonLite Carbon Fiber Wrenches
Who wants the same kind of carbon fiber used to build F1 race cars and spaceships also used to build the tools used to build carbon fiber F1 race cars and spaceships? CarbonLite calls its carbon fiber wrenches "the next...
Aros Smart Window Air Conditioner
I like how anymore anything that's not a "smart" whatever it is gets labeled a "dumb" whatever it is. According to Quirky, which recently made Dr. Garthen Leslie's Aros Smart Window Air Conditioner available for purchase...
Cover Blubber Food Savers
Like Food Huggers, Cover Blubbers are condom-ish pieces of sticky rubber that fit directly over leftovers for preservation and storage. Kind of like plastic wrap or foil, except Cover Blubbers actually adhere and stay...
LEGO Kitchen Utensils
This LEGO-esque utensil set makes me want to glue interlocking bricks to everything I own for easy wall storage on a baseplate. Belts, hats, game controllers, wallets, phone cases, underwear. I could wallpaper my entire...
Titanium Alloy Tritium Keychains
OK, this is like the Goldilocks & the Three Bears of tritium keychains. The first set we featured was by far the coolest and most coveted, but also the hardest to acquire. Many readers deemed the task impossible. Then...
Mellow Sous-Vide Cooker
Mellow is about to make it a little easier for the average person to cook all fancy and pretentious. Wi-Fi connected and app-controlled, the forthcoming sous-vide machine will allow users to dump in a bag of uncooked...
Clongs - Click-Lock Sit-Up Tongs
Since it's difficult for me even to pour a bowl of cereal without making a mess I'm not sure how much of a difference in cleanliness Clongs will make in my life, but I do appreciate their intent and nifty V-dip. And with...
The Casper Hug & Bounce Mattress
Casper believes the main selling point of their mattress is its ability to both hug and contour and resist and bounce, thereby making sex on top of it 1,000 times better. At least that's the outcome I'm hoping for. Better...
Death Star Cutting Board
And I thought it couldn't get any better than R2-D2 measuring cups. Well, really, R2-D2 measuring cups are better than a Death Star cutting board, if for no other reason than their deconstruct/reconstruct Russian doll...
Door Jammer Portable Security Device
I've always liked the simplicity and practicality of that Add-a-Lock portable door lock, but this Door Jammer device looks even easier to use. Just wedge it under any inward opening door and give it a kick. It also appears...
TowlHub USB Paper Towel Holder
As if it weren't amazing enough that there are paper towels so strong that a single quilted sheet can mop up an entire glass of spilt milk someone's crying over. Now these paper towels' holders can charge up to 4 of my...