A Christmas Story Village
The Christmas Story Village collection shrinks snapshots of the highs and lows of Ralphie Parker and his family's life so that this holiday season, you can bring them a little closer to your own. From Ralphie's bunny...
Roast Beef Sandwich Bath Soak
Dude. Roast Beef Sandwich Bath Soak will make your whole body smell like your fingers do after you eat a French Dip. Talk about a gift for a man sent straight from the Baby Jesus. Well, either the Baby Jesus or Jimmy...
Play with Your Food Sports Mugs
Sports mugs with nets and baskets and goalposts and gloves to flick food into? Weeeee! As if marshmallows in hot chocolate and Fritos in chili weren't fun enough before!...
Nature's D*ck Pics 2018 Wall Calendar
Leave it to nature to penetrate our...hearts. The Nature's Dick Pics 2018 Wall Calendar takes us on a 12-month tour of some of the most striking rock formations Mother Nature ever created. When she was horny...
Raclette Cheese Melting Machine
"Alexa, add raclette cheese to the list of tasty foods that are going to make me distastefully fat this season." Would you like me to add the Nutri-Chef cheese melting machine to your cart?...
Gravity Museum Tabletop Space Exploration Kit
The Gravity Museum is a hands-on catalogue of the gravitational forces acting on the planets in our solar system. Created by Kristoph Krisjans, who also brought us the Moondrop gravity-defying fidget toy, the Gravity...
Goats in Trees 2018 Calendar
Too bad the 2018 Goats in Trees calendar doesn't come with sound effects. Assuming the crazy SOBaaaahs that hoof it up trunks and balance on limbs are the same crazy SOBaaaahs that scream, that is. But imagine it: every...
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Village
You can go all out Clark Griswold and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on your holiday decorating this year without risking falling off the roof or running up a thousand-dollar electrical bill. Just make yourself...
Automaton Wall Clocks
Automaton clocks originate not from a love of steampunk or time, gears at work or the inner workings of machines - though one of those may be the reason you're drawn to them. Automaton roots are practical: one day, their...
WORX ZipSnip Cutting Tool
"ZipSnip" sounds a little meek for what WORX's beast of a cutting tool says it can do. The motorized blade with precision handling steps in where you'd normally use scissors or a box blade, but operates like a mini circular...
In-Shell Egg Scrambler
You may have tried eating eggs to build muscle, but have you ever tried building muscle to eat eggs? This in-shell egg scrambler does exactly that: mixes yolk and whites together into a fluffy, sunshine-hued batter that...
Handmade Star Wars Pipes
These handmade Star Wars pipes probably aren't officially licensed by Lucasfilm, but I sure bet they've got Yoda's stamp of approval. And check it out: you have a choice not only of a Yoda pipe actively partaking in some...
Cuisinart Air Fryer Toaster Oven
I'm not showing you Cusinart's AirFryer Toaster Oven because it's one of Oprah's Favorite Things for 2017...or because I spent any time at all browsing Oprah's Favorite Things for 2017. I'm showing it to you because it...
WHOOSH! Screen Cleaner
WHOOSH! sounds more like a name for the kind of screen cleaner that ejects a sudden gust of air to rid devices of dust and debris. Like the Air Blaster. But here I guess the WHOOSH! signifies the totality and sweeping...
Spartan Shield Fire Resistant Bag for Valuables
I'm showing you this Spartan Shield fire resistant (and water resistant) bag because I just ordered one for myself. I hope I never need it, but I have one friend whose house narrowly escaped wipeout from Hurricane Irma...
KFC Internet Escape Pod
KFC says their Internet Escape Pod, featuring a fried chicken drumstick door handle and Stretch Armstrong Colonel Sanders passed out drunk and slung over the top, is meant to help you hide from the barrage of Cyber Monday...
PEPPERALARM - Automatic Pepper Spray Anti-Theft Device
The PEPPERALARM is a burglar alarm system that sets out to be a little more...proactive, shall we say? Its creators call it "The Robber Stopper!" and while they don't include any testimonials from robbers the PEPPERALARM...
Nimble Finger Blade
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack run your finger blade through that gift wrap like a laser cutter through a sheet of acrylic. The Nimble Safety Cutter slips over a finger - any one of them, you pick - and allows you...
Deadpool Christmas Tree Ornaments
These Deadpool Christmas tree ornaments will look right at home dangling alongside the Bob Ross Funko Pop figure classing up my mantle. 'Tis the season for happy little trees and Deadpool 2 trailers...
MonPere Travel Pillow
MonPere says its new travel pillow, which looks like the arms of a Sesame Street character on a mission to give hugs / snap necks, is "weird for a reason." Apparently, the company's years of testing and prototyping the...
World's Smallest Violin
This is the world's smallest violin, and I'm gonna play it just for you...whiners! So many whiners! At work. On the road. At the checkout line. In my inbox. And the biggest one of all: right there in my bathroom mirror...
T-Rex Hatching Dinosaur Egg Candle
Good things, such as baby T-Rex dinosaur desktop toys, come to those who wait. Who wait, and who burn. Light the wick on this egg-shaped candle from The Creative Desk and experience the joy of hatching a new baby 65-million-year-old...
Grilled Cheese Toaster
But...but...where does all the drippy cheese from a grilled cheese made vertically in a grilled cheese toaster go? I love this as a lazy man's means of making a hot sandwich, but if it leads to pools of burnt cheddar...
Laser Engraved Cat Rolling Pin
Meow-meow, meow-meow, meow-meow, meow-...chomp! Mmmm, nothing like a buttery bite of shortbread kitteh! You might say this laser engraved cat rolling pin is for cat people. Or, you could make an argument that it's for...