
NEGG Boiled Egg Peeler

$16.95 Amazon »

So far my favorite part about the NEGG boiled egg peeler is 18 seconds into the demo video. That's when a patient-looking grandma hand gets frustrated with her old-fashioned egg-peeling efforts and squashes the whole...

Xtend & Climb Telescoping Ladder

$309.99 Amazon »

Home maintenance. It's an upward climb. Got a good ladder for the ascent? Reviewers love Xtend & Climb's residential Telescoping Ladder. The aluminum climber extends incrementally by the foot to a max height of 12.5'...

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Wall Clock

Sold Out Amazon »

The only thing missing from this Return of the Jedi wall clock is an R2-D2 head that pops out on the hour to go, Bee-boo-boop-coo-koo! Otherwise, it's all there. Electroluminescent lightsabers and LED glow from within:...

Aura Glass - Spill Resistant Aerating Glassware

$59.95 Aura Glass »

Since most of us spin and swish our glasses of wine and whiskey to aerate them anyway, Aura Glass has come up with a (mighty fine looking, I must say) way to do it without sloshing the wine and whiskey all over the table...

Octopus Shower Caddy

$32.95 Amazon »

The Octopus Shower Caddy is for all of us and for everywhere. Kids and adults, dorms and McMansion master baths, those whose homes are already filled with cephalopods, and those still bereft of a single one. Look at this...

Memory Foam Rug Pads

$59.99 - $316.54 Amazon »

Clearly, the forces behind Rug Pad USA came up with the idea for a memory foam rug pad while jumping on the bed. Heyyyy, this cushion o' body-conforming comfort feels pretty good on my feet and toeses too...

Spaghetti Monster Colander

Sold Out Amazon »

Pastafarians, Flying Spaghetti Monster sympathizers, people who just enjoy a good googly-eyed car emblem, I hope you're hungry! For your deity has appeared to me in colander form. He says he wants to live in your kitchen...

Door-Ease Lube Stick

$4.99 Amazon »

I haven't tried this Door-Ease Lube Stick yet - and I understand it's been around for years - but it caught my eye because my condo has those space-saving (i.e., cheap-ass) bi-fold doors installed on all the closets...

Dripping Glass Jellyfish Sculptures

Daniela Forti creates these sick jellyfish sculptures and sculptural tables that I would definitely break within 5 minutes of owning using a glassworking technique called glass fusion, and a physics technique called gravity...

Amazingly Accurate Tomato Slicer

$6.99 Amazon »

Convince anyone you're an Olympic tomato wrangler with the Arc "Amazingly Accurate" Tomato Slicer! I don't know how often you need to segment out one of the juicy vegeta-fruits, but for me it', not that often. Maybe...

Artisan Dry Cured Meats Charcuterie Starter Kit

$34.99 Amazon »

While most of the charcuterie I've had from stores and in restaurants has been stupidly expensive, stingily portioned snob food, I usually overlook its hoity toity characteristics on account of the fact that it's also...

SpiceStack Spice Organizer

$29.99 - $38.92 Amazon »

SpiceStack is a rack that tucks away your herbs on tidy shelves when you don't need them, and then flips them down for easy viewing and easier access when you do. And for once, I'm talking about the herbs that go in your...

The Horizontal Shower

In paradise, you take a Horizontal Shower. You lie on a smooth, warm slab of tile as 6 falls of water cascade like mermaid kisses onto your tired and thirsty skin. You choose their intensity and temperature, their pattern...

The Nessie Family Kitchen Utensils

$39 Amazon »

The whole fam Nessie damily would like to take a swim in your kitchen brews and stews. Papa the colander spoon in your cooked pasta. Mama the ladle in your tomato soup and passion fruit punch. And Baby Nessie in your...

Right Shears Scissors

Sold Out Amazon »

Current approach not cutting it? Maybe it's time to take a different angle. A right angle. A Right Shears angle...

Wim Single-Serve Frozen Yogurt Maker

$299 Wim »

Yep, the Wim single-serve frozen yogurt maker is just what you're wondering if it is: a Keurig for ice cream. Just add milk to one of the Wim-Bowl ingredient pods, slip it under the appliance's churner, and press start...

Reversible Meat Pounder & Tenderizer

Sold Out Amazon »

Time to pound some meat! And then let your gentle side take over and press it tenderly. You don't even need 2 different toys to do it with Leifheit's Pro Line Meat Pounder & Tenderizer. It's reversible. A powerful and...

Celliant Sleep Boomerang Memory Foam Pillow

Sold Out Amazon »

One time I threw a boomerang and it came back and sliced me in the neck. So I'm glad to see this Boomerang Memory Foam Pillow is here to cradle and support and eliminate pain from my neck, and maybe make some amends for...

Termitat Termite Desktop Display

$125 - $150 Termitat »

If I got a Termitat and displayed it on my desktop I guarantee you the first thing that would happen is my cat Zanzibar would figure out a way to knock it over and bust it open and let a bunch of Dampwood Termites loose...

Rollbe Super Compact Measuring Wheel

$16 - $20 Kickstarter »

Rollbe is here for all those times you've gotten into it with your friend Cornelius about how high or long or...girthy something is. The discs on these tiny wheels are either 4" (10 cm) or 8" (20 cm) around, marked in...

Glass Skull Tiki Torch

Sold Out Amazon »

No need to wait for Halloween to line your path with Skull Tiki Torches. I think the creepy lanterns of death would make great additions to Labor Day weekend parties too. They certainly capture my feelings about the end...

The Ripple Rug Cat Play Mat

Sold Out Amazon »

With the Ripple Rug, when your cat gives you that look like, "Yeah, I just rolled in and scratched up and disheveled your shit. What're you gonna do about it, son?" you can just shrug and tell him, "Not a thing, Zanzibar...

Wooly Snuffle Foraging & Feeding Mat for Dogs

$31.95 Amazon »

No, it's not a scalped Fraggle, it's the Wooly Snuffle Mat. Here to facilitate one and restrain another of your dog's instilled canine instincts with its shag-rug-on-acid pile...

Swidget Modular Outlet with Smart Home Inserts

$38 - $126 Swidget »

The Swidget modular outlet reminds me of Phonebloks. Which then became Google's Ara project. And then, I guess, fell into oblivion when the tech giant decided mobile phones with swappable modules that make upgrading existing...