
Family Size Hat Trick Breakfast Station

$79.99 Amazon »

You've seen the hat trick of a Breakfast Station big enough for you, but here's an option big enough for your whole family...

SnapPower Guidelight

Sold Out Amazon »

The SnapPower Guidelight: saving half-asleep feet from always-on-point LEGOs night after night. A series of LED bulbs built into a standard outlet cover plate, the Guidelight draws power from both sides of your outlet's...

Navage Nasal Irrigation System

$119.95 Amazon »

If the Neti Pot sinus cleaner requires a little too much manual labor for your clogged-up head's liking, check out the Navage, a battery-operated automatic nasal irrigator. Instead of the Neti's gravity-conducted movement...

Little Rooster Alarm Clock Vibrator

$84.99 Amazon »

Oh (face) no, the rooster's crowing (buzzing) already?! Come (yes, please) on! Do I really have to get up (off)? I hear you, ladies. It's a brutal world of mornings, alarms, and orgasms we live in. I'll keep my fingers...

Milk & Cookie Shot Maker

$44.98 Amazon »

Milk & cookies. & liquid chocolate. & shots. Maybe I'll make it through this year after all. Wait, what? I have to make it all myself? With molds and melters and ingredients from the store? Come on! I thought I could...

Cuisinart Steam & Convection Oven

Sold Out Amazon »

Cuisinart's Steam Oven stuffs the full functionality of a convection oven and a professional steam oven into a 15-1/2" x 18" countertop footprint. Using steam as a heating method can cut the cooking time of vegetables...

Laser Level & Measuring Tape

$9.85 Amazon »

A laser level for pinpoint scale, an 8' measuring tape for...8' of spatial knowledge, and a 58% discount for justification for buying it. The Handy Laser Level & Measuring Tape goes with a "3-pronged approach" that combines...

Ullo Sulfite Remover & Wine Aerator

$79.95 Wine Enthusiast »

But Ullo, the best part about a night of free-flowing bottles of cheap red wine is the cranial eruption I feel building in my sinuses the next morning! Why would I want to filter out the sulfites responsible for it*?...

Backflow Incense Burners

$25 - $299 Amazon »

OK, She-Ra: Princess of Power, I will get you a cascading waterfall of burning incense for Valentine's Day if you promise not to use the thing as a cauldron and Double, double toil and trouble a hex on me when you find...

PenSimple - The Ultimate Grinder

Sold Out Amazon »

PenSimple can't deliver a drop of ink to paper, but who cares? Once you use the portable herb grinder to dispense a round of green you're not going to have the focus or fine motor skills to write anything down anyway...

Adorne Pop-Out Outlet

$45 Amazon »

What is it they say, "Once you pop, you can't stop?" This Pop-Out Outlet from Legrand's Adorne collection is definitely the Pringles of the electrical fittings world. The hideaway outlet has plugs on 3 of its 4 cubical...

Pizzarette - Raclette-Style Pizza Oven

$119.99 - $199.99 Amazon »

When it comes to big hoggy hogs who hog food pizza's the worst. There is no accountability or slice management in large groups, people routinely lie about how much they've had, and then. Then you have the rude dudes like...

Bacon Express Crispy Bacon Grill

$167.99 Amazon »

Whole wheat in the toaster, bacon in the...other toaster, a yank of the iceberg, a slice of the tomato, and mmmm. BLTeee-licious. Without turning on the stove or getting popped in the eye with a grease BB...

Squatty Potty Unicorn Gold Toilet Spray

$9.99 - $14.99 Amazon »

For all the ladies out there who want a unicorn. And the ones who want pure gold. And especially those who claim their shit don't stink. Now you can have it all. From proper posture poop stool maker Squatty Potty comes...

Whiskey Bones - T-Rex Skull Chilling Stones

$29.99 Apollo »

Chill your whiskey to the bone, and be the envy of all at the next paleo* party with this pair of T-Rex skull liquor stones. The artistes at Apollo Box hand carve the chillers from granite, which they say remains odorless...


Sold Out Amazon »

A DDASUMI Bed Tent provides the best of both worlds: the comfort and coziness of your own bed and the fresh air and starry skies of the great...wait. No. No outdoor air or stars. Just the polyester, temperamental poles...

The Grypmat

$30 - $70 Grypshon Industries »

I hate it when my tools keep sliding off the nose of the F-16 fighter jet I'm working on! Tom Burden, a mechanic in the US Air Force, developed the Grypmat because that lucky SOB actually had this problem. Maybe you do...

Hobo Bear

$28.95 Amazon »

Beggars can't be choosers, but can they be your Valentine? Awwww, Hobo Bear. I bet my girlfriend, She-Ra: Princess of Power, has many a spare hug for you. What's that? You'll take a fiver and a joint if she's got that...

Roll-Up Dish Drying Rack

$24.98 Amazon »

This roll-up dish drying rack is for people like me. People who endorse the air-dry method. I mean, I figure if my man parts prefer the gentle cooling effect of evaporating water over getting rubbed down and chafed up...

Ravanello - Mario Mushroom Radish Shaper

Sold Out Amazon »

1UP! 1UP! 1UP! 1UP!1UP!1UP! As many 1UP! radish-mushrooms as your little fingers and wrists can churn out without cramping up or going arthritic, thanks to Animi Causa's new Ravanello. Did they intend for the shaper that...


$25 - $84.35 Zen Magnets »

I highly recommend watching the Micromagnets video on mute to get a real sense of their visual and tactile sublimity. Which is indeed attention-sucking, and probably very gratifying when you're handling the tiny rare...

LampStore Upcycled Vintage Lamps

$25 - $135 Amazon »

From yesteryear to Nashville to your living room. LampStore upcycles vintage objects (and icons, OG Star Wards lunchbox) into nostalgic pieces of tabletop lighting and home decor. The indie artists behind LampStore operate...

Butterfly BBQ Fork & Bottle Opener


Pretty fly for a grill fork. Man-Up-Gear gives the classic butterfly handle a chewy, meat-flipping center with this foldaway BBQ fork. It also has an integrated bottle opener at the base of its stainless steel prongs...

USB LED Clock Fan


I'm hot. It's stuffy in here. What's the temperature? Is it time to go home yet? Will someone please just tell me they love me?! The solutions and answers to all of life's problems and questions are right here, blowin'...